Chapter 10: The ball

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Hermione's POV

The next day passed uneventfully and Deatheaters arrived at various times. I noticed that Belletrix was a bit pissed that Voldemort had a daughter. That given, everyone knew Belletrix had a crush on my father. Around 5 o'clock in the evening I had a bath and was busy experimenting on different hairstyles when there was a sharp knock on the door. I wrapped my towel around my body and opened my door.

"Yeah?" I asked opening the door. In front of me I saw none other than Draco Malfoy.

"Do you know where the Malfoy chamber is?" he asked.

"You're Draco Malfoy, right?" I smiled. What? New opportunities. It's not every day that Draco Malfoy might be nice to me.

"No I'm Blaise Zabini." he replied sarcastically.

"Your hairs white, and that's the sign of a Malfoy. Unless you guys cross-breeded."

"It's not white it's platinum. Do you know where it is or not?"

"Are you going to tell me?" I smirked at him.

"No." and I shut the door on him. I knew he was about to say something so I turned on my hairdryer and drowned him out. Then I heard him stomping away.

"See you at the ball then Blaise Zabini!"

It was about 10 o'clock by the time I was ready. The ball had started at about 9:40 so I was round about fashionably late. Someone knocked on my door.

"It's open!" I told them. The door opened and my father stood there.

"You shouldn't keep the door unlocked with over a hundred Deatheaters in the house... whoa." My dad stared, open-mouthed.

"You look pretty good yourself." I complimented. He nodded.

"Are you ready?" I nodded.

Draco's POV

I sat down in the corner of the ballroom bordly, watching my parents waltz expertly. How many balls have they been to? Then the music stopped and everyone looked to the stairs. I followed their gaze and saw Voldemort in an emerald green tux arm in arm with the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. She had light brown silky hair piled on top of her pale beautiful face. Her dress was unforgettable yet indescribable. She smiled and suddenly I recognised her as the girl who didn't help me earlier on. God, I had sworn at Voldemort's daughter!

"Everyone, this is my daughter Sophia." he introduced. They cleared the rest of the stairs and started to do a dance I've never seen before. When that was finished he offered a dance with a blushing Belletrix. Sophia trotted over to me with a drink.

"Hi Blaise Zabini." she greeted, "Want some punch?"

"Go on then." I gave in.

"Which kind, Blaise?" she asked, holding up her fist. I laughed in spite of myself.

"The liquid." I smirked. She smirked back and said,

"No, I meant left fist or right." we both laughed and she handed me a glass.

"Draco Malfoy," I told her. She feigned a look of surprise and looked around.

"Where?" I chuckled.

"Oh. I thought you were Blaise Zabini." She smirked. I could tell that this was going to be the start of a beautiful friendship.

Hermione POV

It was around 11 o'clock when my dad made his voice louder and announced,

"Everyone on the dance floor or I'll crucio you." I looked at him and moved my chair onto the dance floor. Most people laughed apart from Belletrix who lets face it will never laugh at any joke apart from my dads. "Sorry Sophia, but that won't cut it."
"Will a knife?" I asked and he chuckled.

"Dancing will." he said and I shrugged.

"Chose me a dancing partner then and I will." I smiled. He looked around the room at Deatheaters sons my age.

"Eenie Meanie Mini- Draco." he picked. Draco looked at him.

"I don't dance." he remarked.

"Oh realy?" I asked, turning to Pansy Parkinson. "You've danced with him. Does he dance?"

"Yeah," Pansy replied, caught off guard.

"Traitor," Draco mouthed as I dragged him across the room.

"I presume you know the Hogwarts Waltz?" I asked him.

"Kind of." He replied.

"Good." I said as the music started up. After you started dancing it was hard to stop.

God he was a good dancer.

"So you don't dance?" I asked him as he twirled me around.

"Nope," he replied.

"Well that's a shame because you should." I told him. "Ever been here before?"
"A few times. Never seen you here though." he answered, eyes narrowing suspiciously.

"You wouldn't of. When Potter killed my father I had my mind modified and I was sent to live with Muggles." I remembered what my father had advised and sneered when saying Muggles, and I also called Harry by his last name. I found it came naturally.

"Poor you," he stated.

"It was for my own safety though. What the ministry would have done if they found out about me..." I trailed off.

"That would have been bad." he nodded. He dipped me and whispered "I wouldn't have been able to do this," he leant in to kiss me. Then someone cleared their throats and we separated. My father stood their smirking.

"The ball ended around 15 minuets ago. Hadn't you noticed?" he asked.

"Nope," I answered.

"You're the only ones here," he pointed out. "It's past midnight. Are you going to go or what?"

"Rude," I stuck out my tongue.

"I was only saying because I'm locking up." he held up the keys, eyes glistening mischievously in the lights of the chandeliers. Me and Draco looked at each other and sprinted out the heavy oak doors.

"Night!" I gasped.
"Ditto," he nodded and we parted.

A/N: There you goes. A bit of a lame ending though...

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