Chapter 39: Voldemort's Story

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"It all began when I was born. I was born in a Muggle orphanage, Wool's, on Vaxhaull Road in London. My mother, Merope Gaunt, was on the verge of collapse as she handed the owners of the orphanage some money she had received for selling Salazar's locket, and told them what my name would be. Tom, after my father, Marvalo, after my grandfather, then Riddle. Soon after, she died. My father, Tom Riddle, had left my witch mother and he went home to his parents, despite mother being heavily pregnant with me.

"So I grew up, orphaned in a Muggle orphanage, not knowing I was a wizard. However, I did know of my powers. I could get anybody, anything to do whatever I wanted, I could make people hurt, and most importantly, I could speak to snakes. They'd find me- whisper things to me. All the Muggles in that orphanage thought I was crazy, all except one. Albert Granger. He was one of the best companions a lonely half-blood could get, kind, coregous, the sort of person who'd make sure the cord was safe to use before pushing you off the Big Ben.

"Then, just after I'd turned 11, a man came to Wool's orphanage. The man wore a very out of fashion suit, and a semi-long beard. At first sight me and Albert, spying from his attic window, thought he was a hippie. He wasn't. The mans name was Albus Dumbledore, and he had come to see me. At first, I thought the owners had called up a Professor to take me to some place for crazy people, but he didn't. He was a professor- a professor of magic.

"He told me he was from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He told me I was a wizard. He told me I that, come September, I would be coming to Hogwarts, if I so wished. And I did. I said farewell to Albert, and that I'd be back during the summer. Albert congratulated me on being able to get away.

"So it was I became to be a Slytherin in Hogwarts. I surrounded myself with dull-minded friends and easily-lead people. I had one thing on my mind- Power. Ambition. One day, all of the Wizarding world would know my name. And they would tremble in fear at it. But, Harry, that all changed when I met your mother."

"When you met my Mum..."

"I was in my second year, Harry. Me and my followers were looking out for followers to be..."


'Can you see anybody good, Tom?' Whispered Lucius Malfoy from across the table as their eyes stalked the new first years. 'I hear a rumour that Sirius Black is coming to school- could he be a potential follower of our art?' Tom gave a snort. Their art- they could hardly call it an art. Slaughtering and torturing where no forms of art- yet it was the only way of Tom becoming his ambition- the most feared one on Earth, feared by both Muggles and Wizards alike. He looked at the motley group of people shepherded infront of the Sorting hat. There was a small boy with brown hair, a worried expression and slightly ratty teeth. The boy, from his blue eyes (Eyes are the window to the soul.), Tom could tell he was easily-led, though he had a cunning mind and would follow those with the most power. If not for his scaredness, he would have been a Slytherin. Next to him, another brown-headed boy tried to calm him down. The boy wore scruffy clothes, and Tom turned his nose up at him. The boy would never do in his group- too scruffy and common. Tom may have just been a boy from the orphanage, but he knew that one day he would be a Lord, and that gave him the right for snootiness. Two blacks stood infront of them, already seeming as if they were best friends. The one on the right's hair was messy and scruffy, and he wore round-rimmed glasses behind his blue eyes. The eyes showed courage, stubbornness and mischief, and loyalty. Tom could tell immediately that he would never even want to be a part of what he and Lucius had. But next to him... The Black. Longish black hair, and a smirk on his face, Sirius reminded Tom much of his cousin Bellatrix, who sat near him, and was eyeing him through her thick, frizzy hair.

'What do you think of my cousin, Tom? He will be perfect.' She hissed her p's, like a confused snake. Tom took one look in his eyes and knew it all.

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