Chapter 81: Borbol, Brother

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He didn't answer her and she faced forward again, catching sight of Lohke. He was riding at the front of the orcs, Sheshal's ears pricked forward but her lip was lifted, seconds from a snarl, as she eyed the distant humans. The other direwolves's tails swished with irritation and they were alert. She knew the moment Sheshal caught wind of her, too, because her head lifted and a short whine erupted from her.

Hearing that short whine, seeing Lohke as his eyes finally found her in the middle of Wren's guards, was like a knife to her heart. Erinne staggered and almost fell as the weight of the world crashed down on her. She would have to tell him his best friend was dead and that she couldn't leave with him. She wanted to leave with him. Her entire world was falling apart and all she had to catch her balance was Wren's hand on her shoulder.

"Don't touch me." She hissed at him and yanked away, wiping tears off her face. Lohke took in everything, her reaction to Wren, her appearance. She wondered if he could tell her body was thinner through her overcoat at this distance. She wondered if he'd caught sight of the war hammer, though it was tucked underneath the overcoat as well. He looked worried and tense, and there was something in his eyes that suggested he already knew something had gone terribly wrong.

They finally drew to a halt but she wanted to run forward to Lohke so desperately that her whole body ached as she struggled to keep herself grounded and upright. Wren kept her at his side as he lifted his chin and called out, "Great Chieftain Lohke-"

"Enough words." Lohke's voice was short and hot as he cut Wren off. "I've come for my people."

Wren looked as surprised as she felt. His brow tugged together and he tilted his head before he managed to gather his thoughts and said, "You told me in your letter you were coming to discuss settlements."

"I know what I said. I'm here for my people. I am here for Cold Hammer, Sheobulf, and Andol of the Killerfrost Clan." He motioned his hand and an orc moved through the group, closer to him and she recognized Chigun, with the twins just behind him. Kitchka was there, too, and she wished Zevra had come, she would have liked to say goodbye to one of her dearest friends in person.

Chigun passed something long over to the chieftain and then Lohke threw it. Several people in the crowd gasped, but Wren didn't even flinch as the spearhead landed in the dirt a few feet from him. It rolled a few feet closer before it slowed, stained with blood. It was of human origin.

Then Lohke spoke again, his voice even harsher than before, "Do you wish to explain to me why I found this in one of our dire wolves, Larken, who ventured to this very place with her masters?"

"Larken?" Erinne gasped and covered her mouth. "Is she alive?!" She stepped towards Lohke but Wren's hand snaked out and grabbed her arm. She glowered at him, furious, but was too eager for news of Larken and quickly set her eyes back on Lohke.

"Your pup is brave, Sheobulf. Barely alive when she reached us, but Shaman Griesling has seen to her." Tears welled up in her eyes at this news, this wonderful small ray of hope in her now dark world. It was such a small comfort to her broken world, but after so much loss, it was a comfort she would gladly accept. Larken was alive.

Lohke turned his gaze back to Wren. "Our dire wolves are faithful to us, they live and die at our side. Larken would not have left without great reason and she came home hurt. I knew immediately something was wrong here. And now you present to me with Sheobulf surrounded by your guards, refusing to let her approach me? Her belly is empty, where is her child? Where is my enforcer Cold Hammer? Why does she carry his war hammer?"

She was right. Lohke saw everything. He was ever observant. It'd been a long time since she'd seen him behave this diplomatically, but he was a powerful sight, bellowing with righteous anger. Once again, the Great Chieftain stood before her instead of her borbol.

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