Chapter 36: Re-Play

Start from the beginning

"Brilliant. Let's do some vocal exercises..."

Four hours later, after half an hour of food, we were finally ready. Everyone was in there costumes, we all knew our lines and the backdrop of a dark and gloomy dungeon was drawn, painted, and hung up. Our props had been made, the jug of fake water and the glass, the giant cage that would hold Daphne in, and the hot pink cell phone, which had an alarm set to it to go off. I sonorused my voice so everybody inside and outside the Manor could hear.

"Ladies and Deatheaters! You are requested to come to the theatre immediately! The half past two showing of Lady Voldemorg's Evil Plan is about to begin!" I turned to survey my 'cast'. "Okay, you lot, this is it. Every moment we've had over the past four hours has lead up to this. Are the pre-shows ready?" The other five who had volunteered to do the pre-show nodded. "Alright boys, lets go." We walked out. Some Deatheaters we already there, including my father and Draco's. Draco groaned. He was not pround of the fact he looked like Ron Weasley. I myself was dressed up as my father so I didn't mind.

"Deatheaters, you are a tad early!" I called out, "We were just about to warm up, but you are free to watch." I turned to Pansy, who was dressed up as Snape. "Off you go Parkinson." We all dropped to the floor, and behind the stage somebody started making a ticking noise. Pansy stood up and spoke in a Snape-y voice.

"Hm, what is that Mysterious Ticking Noise? Not over here... Not over there... It's kind of... Catchy!

Snape, Snape, Severus Snape,
Snape, Snape, Severus Snape!" Luna jumped up wearing a false beard.


"Snape, Snape, Severus Snape!"

"DUMBLEDORE!" Draco stood up.

"Ron, Ron, Ron Weasley!"


"Ron, Ron, Ron Weasley!"

"DUMBLEDORE!" Next, Daphne stood up.

"Hermione. Hermione. Hermione, Hermione, Hermione."

"DUMBLEDORE!" Then Crabbe stood up with glasses on.

"Harry Potter, Harry Potter, HUH! Harry Potter, Harry Potter, YEAH! Harry Potter, Harry Potter, HUH! Harry Potter, Harry Potter, THAT'S ME!"












"Harry Potter, I'm Harry Potter, I'm Harry Potter, I am Harry Potter!"

"Singing a song, all day long at HOGWARTS!" They all sang. Draco picked up a pipe bomb.

"I found the source of the ticking! It's a pipe bomb!"


BOOM! A realistic bang sounded out, and there was a blast of smoke. During this they all went behind stage and I stood up.

"Mwahahahahahahaha!" I laughed as the smoke cleared. I tapped my wand on the side four times. "Voldemort, Voldemort, ooh Voldy Voldy Voldy Voldemort!" I bowed and went behind stage. Everyone clapped.

"And now... For your amusement.... Lady Voldemorg's evil plan!" Deatheaters clapped again. I went out and started pacing. The Hall was even fuller then before. For a second I was paralysed with fear, but there was no time for that. Goyle walked up in his raggy clothes.

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