Chapter 30: The un-namable chapter

Start from the beginning

"Brill." I smiled and walked away. Then he ran back to me.

"You know Harry's following you." he stated.

"Yep, I know." I shrugged. "That's the plan."

"Okay then see you tomorrow." he beamed and walked back up to the castle. I slipped into the darkness of the forest.

"Lumos." I casted. It cast a blue light into the trees and I set forward. Soon enough I came into a clearing.

"Sophia." my father said and I was enveloped into a caring hug.

"Daddy," I smiled, cherishing the moment.

"Does anyone suspect you, my dear?" he asked, looking at me and studying my face.

"As I said in my letter, Potter does. I caught him glaring at me today." I relayed.

"What about that Weasley?"

"Nope, still as ignorant and stupid as always." I laughed, "But Potter is the one who could reveal me... combined with Skeeter's report."

"She'll pay for that, my dear." My dad promised.

"Oh I know she will." I grinned darkly, "If you don't get her then I will. But anyway, did you bring her like I wanted?" I asked.

"Right over there, my dear. In the cage." he pointed to a semi-large cage in the center of the glade.

"Why is she unconscious, daddy?" I asked, studying the body inside. He laughed.

"Wouldn't you be after being tortured for hours on end?" he pointed out.

"Good point," I smiled. "We need to wake her up, send her back."

"Why should we send her back, my dear?" he sneered, "She knows our secret now. Nobody can know our secret, apart from the most trustworthy, like Ginny, Blaise and Draco."
"I know, Daddy. But won't Potter be suspicious if Hermione Elddir never comes back?" I mused.

"He'll be worried. Especially when we ransom her. He comes, we kill him, then we kill the Mudblood!" father laughed, "It's brilliant."

"Um... okay but what about-" just then there was a rustle in the bushes. I spun around. "What was that?"
"I'm not sure." my father answered.

"I'll go look," I decided. I felt among the bushes and came face to face with a mop of brown hair. "Justin! What the Hufflepuff are you doing here?"

"I'm sorry," he sighed, "I couldn't miss the action. Besides, I need to tell you something."

"Well you can tell me tomorrow," I hissed.

"No." he disagreed, "I need to tell you now. It's urgent."

"I'll come and find you when I'm finished here. You need to go!" I enforced.

"No Phia." he shook his head.

"Then stay right here. Don't move a mussel." I odered. Then I turned back to my dad, "Nothing. Must have been a nargle or something." I shrugged.

"What in Salazar is a nargle?" my dad asked.

"Don't ask me. It was Luna Lovegood who brought them up." I grinned, "Now back to the plan."
"Yes," he mirrored my grin, "We have to leave now, though. With the girl. So come and take my-"
"You won't be going anywhere, Voldemort." we both turned and saw Harry standing in front of the trees with a determined glare in his eyes. I gasped, before regaining my posture.

"Harry!" I goggled, "That goodness you're here! Voldemort- he was going to kidnap me-"
"The games up Riddle," he growled, "I know what little game you've been playing. And everyone else will know as well when I drag you both up to Hogwarts, where you'll probably be sentenced to a dementor's kiss." I clung to my father in fright.

"Daddy kill him!" I squealed.

"Avada-" Justin stumbled out of his hiding place and straight into the line of fire.

"Justin get out of the way!" I shouted.

""Ked-" he was rooted to the spot.

"Justin! Daddy, stop!" I sobbed.

"Avra." there was a green flash of light. I looked around, glancing for a sign he was still alive. Harry stood there, gaping at the ground. I followed his gaze, fighting back tears.

"No," I groaned, staring at his body collapsed upon the floor, his mop of slightly curly brown hair spread across his face. "No." I ran to him and flung my arms around him, letting my tears fall freely.

"I-" began Harry. I looked up to him, hating every inch of his still alive body.

"It should have been you." I spat, "It should be you dead! Not him! Not Justin!"

"I-" he couldn't get the words out.

"Go. Get out of here." I hissed, "Get out of here before I kill you myself!" he took one look at my distraught, tear-stained face and fled. I looked back down at Justin. "No. No! Wake up, Justin. Open your eyes. Now isn't your time! Me and you- we're spending the day together tomorrow! And you and Susan- you'll be back together before you know it. You'll get married, and have two children. A boy and a girl, remember? You two will grow old together and raise a whole cat family! Don't die!"

"Sophia... he- he's gone." my father commented, putting his arms around me. I shrugged him off.

"Justin, wake up. Open your eyes. I won't believe your dead. I won't believe he's killed you." I sobbed.

"I'm sorry." I heard my dad whisper, before he apperated off.

"Justin." I cried softly. "Wake up. Tomorrow- it'll be the best day of your life, I promise you. Come on, Justin, wake up!" Suddenly, his electric blue eyes snapped open. "Justin!" a smile crept onto his face.

"I love you." he whispered. Then, slowly his eyes closed again.

"What?" I whispered. "Justin? Don't you dare say that as a goodbye! Don't you close your eyes! Justin? No. No! Wake up! Wake up!" And I collapsed into tears.

A/N: That came from nowhere. Literally. I was writing it in school, some random person in my class was leaning over my shoulder reading it and said, you should make him tell her he loves her. And so I did.

What did you think? Did you like it? Did you hate it, like me? Was my eviler version of Voldemort okay? Please review, but no flames!

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