Chapter 28: My ferrety plans whirr into motion

Start from the beginning

I looked from the paper to Blaise, then to Ginny, then back.

"Beth mae'n ei ddweud Hermione? What does it say Hermione?" Ron asked, and translated himself.

"Um... Dim byd, Ron. Nothing. Ginny, Zabini, could I have a word with you both in private please?" they nodded and as we made our way towards the doors, I whispered to Blaise, "Get Draco."

"Kay then Phia. What are we going to do?" he murmured.

"I... I'll explain when we're outside." I told him, sweeping past a bunch of first year Ravenclaws. Blaise walked over to the Slytherin table to get Draco. When we were outside, Ginny (The boys hadn't come yet) asked me what this was all about.

"Rita Skeeter knows about me Ginny. Rita Skeeter has told it to the world." I told her, handing her the newspaper article. Her eyes skimmed across the page like a lightning bolt and handed it back to me, her eyes wide.

"Oh no," she gasped, "This is terrible, Mione. What are you going to do?"

"I'll tell you when the boys are here. It's best to tell you all at the same time." I decided.

"But you do have a plan, right?" she hoped.

"Yes, Ginny," I nodded, "I do have a plan. Then the boys walked in. Draco rushed up to me and grabbed me into a hug. It seemed to be more for his benefit more than my own.

"Oh my god Phia what are we going to do?" he breathed. I looked at him.

"We're going to set my plan in motion." I told them and went on to tell them all about my master plan, to show Harry that our Dad was back.

"Wait back-track- our dad?" Blaise asked, "Am I missing something?"

"Harry's Phia's twin." Ginny reported to them, "Their parents where childhood sweethearts, but they couldn't be together for obvious reasons, you know, psychotic Muggle-born hating dark lord, Muggle-born..."

"Voldemort's in love with a Mudblood?" Draco chocked on an invisible piece of bread.

"That 'Mudblood', as you call her was my mother.' I growled, 'And yes I said was because my mother was Lily Evans." Draco looked at me, shocked.

"Phia, I'm sorry I didn't know..." he apologised.

"I know, I know. So anyway, she settled down and got married to James Potter, though deep down he still disgusted her. Then one day dad saw her in a random town, they got talking, and one thing lead to another and... well, soon enough me and Harry were born crying into her arms."
"But shouldn't you and Potter have stayed together?" asked Blaise.

"Yes, but Sirius Black was dating the midwife. So Sirius told Jamie, and my father only had time to pick one of us up. Mum took Harry home, luckily Harry looked a lot like James, right? Even thought Lily and James never... did the deed, if you know what I mean. It was all arranged, though, that me and Harry were never going to be away from each other for all our lives, so when we were three, our father decided to go and fetch Lily from Godric's Hollow. He was meant to kill James, and he did. Lily apperated over to the manor and..." I took a breath, mentally scolding myself not to cry, because I could feel the tears coming out. I looked around at my captivated audience, who were listing, spellbound. "And Belletrix was there and she killed on sight. Dad then gave Harry a false image of him killing mum, and then he turned his wand on himself."

"Oh my god." Blaise breathed. Ginny looked towards the door.

"Harry and Ron're coming!" she gasped, looking through a crack. "Act like your fighting!"
"Um..." Draco looked up for inspiration, "SO WHAT IF I DID?"

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