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This chapter is absolute shit. Just so you know, and just so I said I warned you.

Harry's POV

It hurt that she didn't believe she could trust me, now or in the future. Mabelle may've been a total hard ass but after looking into her past it made sense why she was against trusting anyone.

Don't act all surprised that I looked her up. We all did that first day she walked out of the conference room. A girl with that kind of knowledge of human understanding, that kind of hand to hand combat, could either be very helpful or very detrimental to our team.

I chose to look on the positive side because most of the team was rooting against her. Liam was the only one who stood by my side, as well as hers that first night. And she almost choked him out.

I knew we would all find something different about her life. We were all looking for different things to better understand her for our own reasons.

Liam found out she was a star athlete in every sport she joined all through high school but quit after her freshman year of college.

Niall found our she graduated with high honors from her small but prestigious college and even went back once a year to give a talk about her life in the college.

Claudia pulled up all of her files from the FBI. All of her glowing recommendations, her biggest achievements, and even reports on her failures. Not that there were many, but The Nursery Rhyme Killer was on the short list.

Zayn discovered that her father was a military man, leaving the family and never to be seen or heard from again. And that's straight facts. After he left all record of him vanished. Being in the Army trained him to go undetected and he must've used it to stay out of Mabelle's life and to assure she never could find him.

Louis disclosed that she had her mother put into a mental institution when she had the legal right to be the care giver for her mother. The mother has been in the institution for the last 9 years.

Me? I found one of the most grim pieces of the Mabelle puzzle.

Every morning in her freshman year of college, she would take a long run to a large lake just off her campus. One of those many mornings, she had made it to the lake and took her usual dive in to cool off.

Which, I might state is highly unsafe. The amount of bacteria in water that is stagnant is enough to kill a small child. And not to mention she didn't know the depth or what kind of animals were using that lake as their watering hole.

Sorry, off on one of many tangents.

She had been floating about when something skimmed her hand. She jumped a bit, who wouldn't, and looked to see what had touched her.

A head, and only a head, bobbed up and down in the water. Somehow that wasn't what terrified her. Seeing the young woman's face did. It was her roommate. The roommate she thought had left for the holiday's a couple days before.

She climbed out of the water running as fast as she possibly could back to campus to tell someone what she found.

After the police dredged the lake they found not only the rest of Mabelle's body but the bodies of several other young woman who had been missing. Instead of being traumatized by the situation it fueled her.

She changed her major to Criminal Behavior Studies and creamed every other student in her path. She flew through the ranks to become become part of one of the best BAU teams in the U.S.

She was impressive in so many ways that I knew I wanted to find out more about her. She was similar to me in that she didn't want people to know anything she didn't want them to, and she kept her life as private as possible. I was hoping having her teach me to fight and protect myself would help figure out more about her. What I've come up with so far is, she is cunning, strong, and overpowering. All in a good way.

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