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After Claudia sent over the cold cases, Harry and I spent the whole day digging around the office to find maps of each of the towns the unknown suspect had killed his 'four' victims. When we were finally able to round them up we began to put pins on the locations to see if there was a pattern but nothing was standing out. For once in my life I called it an early night and went back to the hotel to see what the status on the files from Dan were.

I fell asleep surrounded by the files Harry had let me take home that evening.


I was running. Running a trail I thought I had forgotten. I continued to graze past branches, and large grass as the smell of the lake was becoming more prevalent in my nostrils.

The fresh air was filling my lungs just as rapidly as it was being knocked out and I kept running because I wanted to jump into the cool crisp water.

But as I got closer, the scent was changing. It was no longer fresh, it was the smell of decomposition. It was foul and burning both my eyes and my nose. When I reached the lake I had craved to jump into only second before my body was rocked back by the red color of the water and the stench that came from it.

When I turned to run away there he stood.


My body shot up off the bed drenched in a cold sweat.

It had all been a dream. "This is why I don't sleep for more than two hours," I whispered to myself rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

I looked at the clock to see I should be getting ready to meet Harry at the gym, and with that in my mind I shook off the terrible nightmare and went about my morning routine.


I walked to the gym to see Harry was already standing outside, with his messenger bag, and his gym bag.

"Impressive Styles," I spoke walking up to his tall, lanky frame, draped in a long black trench coat. When he turned his head to see where the voice had come from, I also saw that he was not wearing his glasses. And the viridian green of his eyes were on full display.

"I couldn't sleep. I was plotting the locations of the murders in my head and I came up blank. It's nerve wracking," he spoke pulling at his hair in angered frustration.

"Well today you can take out that aggression you seem to be feeling," I pulled the door open and we walked in together.

"Harry?" We heard a voice and turned to see Liam walking towards us.

"Liam," Harry greeted quickly and made his way to the locker room.

"What are you up to Agent Livingston?" Liam raised an eyebrow at me and then looked to Harry's leaving figure.

"He asked me to help him out a bit," I shrugged walking to the other locker room.

"He could've asked me to help," Liam sounded insulted.

"Sorry?" I reallys didn't know what to respond so I walked into the locker room and dropped all of my crap into a locker.

Walking out, I saw Harry was whispering with Liam, and I knew it was about the fact he didn't let Liam help him and chose me instead. I couldn't say I understood either, but I also didn't see the big deal.

"You ready?" I interrupted them and Harry smiled awkwardly at me and then gave a curt nod. I gave a small salute to Liam who returned to his own workout session and I took Harry to the weights.


"You're good at what you do Agent Livingston," Harry spoke as he came up from another one of his push ups.

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