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Sleep is for when you're dead. 

My dad would always say that when he pulled me out of bed at four in the morning to start my training before school started. It was brutal. Not only getting my ass handed me day in and day out but when he would have me try to think about my studies as he did such. 

He tried to make me strong both mentally and physically. After he left, I don't know why I just didn't stop. I could have become a normal human being. I could walk into high school and not read all their judgmental faces, and how they would mock me for wearing combat boots and some dirt on my face. 

The cool wind of the morning breeze against the Thames wisped my hair across my face bringing me out of my own flashback to look and see if my new punching bag was on his way.

I gave Styles the extra hour sleep due to his untrained mind and body. Granted his mind had been trained in other ways that could baffle even the smartest of other brains, but it was untrained in combat. 

I walked to the front entrance of the main headquarters when I realized I hadn't gotten the files from the old case. Grabbing my phone, I quickly dialed Dan. 

"You really shouldn't  be calling me on vacation Mabe's," Dan responded as he answered the phone with a small grogginess to his voice. It was only midnight in DC, not that late. 

"I need you to send me all the files we have on the Nursery Rhyme killer ASAP," I demanded, ignoring his unhappy greeting. 

"Oh no, no, no, no, no, no. I'm not sending you squat. You're on vacation Mabe's," he whispered. I knew it was to make sure no one in the office knew who he was on the phone with. But to be honest, all our phones were wired so they knew exactly who he was talking to. 

"A vacation that has since been put altered when our nursery busy body showed up in London." I looked up and down the street to see if Styles was walking towards me. 

"What?" Dan hissed into the line. 

"Yeah, apparently not even my vacation wants me. So those files?" I asked impatiently. 

"I'll send them over as soon as I can but you know thye are going to question why I am taking out the files. Be safe over there Maeb," I could hear the concern and general worry in his voice. 

"You know this job doesn't do safe well Dan," I responded. 

"You're right. But wait isn't it like five a.m. there? Have you slept at all?" 

"I got like a good two hours. This Agent, Doctor guy asked me to train him."

"Him?" I could hear Dan lean back in his chair with a strong eyebrow raise. 

"Yes, him. His name is-" I felt a light tap on my shoulder which I reacted to by grabbing the finger and bending it back and spinning to see the curly headed green eyed boy, with his mouth agape and his eyes wide in worried surprise, "Styles."

"Styles? What kind of name is Styles?" Dan laughed loudly into the phone. So loudly I knew Styles had heard it as well.

"Talking about me?" He raised an eyebrow, with a smirk making his dimples show.

"Oh shit," Now I could swear Dan's laughter was hysterical and anyone on the street could hear it. Luckily it was only Styles and I. Guess London was not early risers.

I hit the end button and tossed my phone into my bag and looked back at Styles. 

"I was trying to get the files for you," I explained quickly. 

"Great. Now explain why we're here at five in the morning?" he pushed up his glasses as he rubbed his eyes. 

"We needed to get a good work out in before we head to work. A good work out gives you endorphins. Endorphins give you-"

"Are you really about to explain the science to me?" he laughed mockingly as he put his hand up to stop my train of thoughts. 

"I don't need to be doing any of this you know?"

"Actually you do because without me you have no way in to this investigation," he took a step closer to me but this time I backed away. He couldn't freeze me mentally this time. 

But I hated to admit he was right. He was the only reason I was able to be on the case. So as I rolled my eyes I made my way down the block, with Styles behind me, and into a dive gym I had remembered Liam mentioning one the day before. 

He pulled off his jacket to reveal he was wearing his everyday clothes. 

"Oh my God please change immediately," I pointed to the sign that read men's locker room. 

"What?" he looked down at his attire like it was normal to wear a sweater vest and button up in a gym. 

I tossed him my gym bag, "I somehow had a feeling you wouldn't have the appropriate attire. Went out and grabbed you a few things. You seem to dig the long sleeves so I kept with your odd choice. So hurry up and change so we can start. Also, invest in contacts. Unless you have an unlimited supply of glasses you like getting broken."

He fumbled with the straps of the bag in his long fingered hands and made his way into the locker room. 

As I waited I took in my surroundings. Not many women. Typical. Big open floor plan. My favorite. Weights and strength training in one corner while there was a large mat in the middle. The smell of blood sweat and tears were all around and I breathed them deep. It was more like home than my actual home. No treadmills. Who needs 'em. That's what the street is for. 

"Ready," I heard his deep raspy voice from behind me. It seemed it had gotten deeper if that was humanly possible. 

The long sleeved work out top was again matched with his watch atop his left wrist. I was surprised I guessed his shoe size correctly and I didn't mean for the pants to look quite like leggings but it was somehow a good look for his slim legs. 

"Are you going to continue checking me out or are we actually going to learn something?" he spoke. 

Checking him out? Checking him out?! AS IF!

DId I really just think the words 'as if'?

"You wish Styles. Normally I would say lose the watch but seeing as it's the only clock in this place we are going to need it. Let's begin."

Hey Sammiekins! 

Thank you for the comments and votes. I am posting this because manipulative got so many votes the past couple of days and I am really loving this story and just want to share it! 

Thank you all. 

Love ya,

Momma Sammiekins

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