Hospital Bed

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"She's healing. She is going to be fine," I heard a muffled voice speak. 

"How do you know?" I know that voice. It was the angel. 

"She is resting after surgery. All her vitals are weak but getting stronger, she should come to very soon," The unknown voice explained. 

Were they talking about me? Am I alive? Or is this some weird sick purgatory? Open your eyes Mabelle. OPEN YOUR EYES!

Nothing. My eyes refused to listen to my minds commands. But I was feeling things. Pain, anger, I could feel my blood coursing through my veins, pumping slowly, at a snails pace. I wanted so much to open my eyes and see my angel. 

"Sir, you really need to leave. This is family only visiting hours," the mystery voice spoke. 

"As far as you're concerned, I am family," he spoke. 

Open your eyes. Open your damn eyes. Gather information of your surroundings. You may be dead but nothing has changed. You're still a federal agent. 

Suddenly my eyes were wide and instead of a dark pit of black, it was now so bright white it made me instantly shut my eyes again.

"Shit," a voice spoke. Wait was that my voice? What happened to it?

I opened my eyes once again, "Where the hell am I?"

I looked around to see Harry, eyes bloodshot, and his hair stringy as if it hadn't been washed. He looked a wreck, like he hadn't slept in days. 

"Mae. Holy shit Mae. I can't believe you're alive," He ran to the side of my bed and began to stroke my hair. For once I accepted the comforting touch and rubbed in appreciation. 

"Why on Earth would you think otherwise? I'm a bad ass," I joked, hoping he wouldn't hear the genuine fear I felt thinking I was dead. But it was Harry I was talking about. 

"Mae," He grabbed a chair and took a seat by my side grabbing my hand and stroking his thumb across the back of my hand, "Talk to me."

"About what?" I shrugged trying to sit up and feeling pain rip through my body, covering my screams by biting my lip, I continued much slower. 

"Mae, your father..."he tried to continue but instead took the time to help me sit up. 


"I killed him, Mae," Harry cut me off and when he spoke memories soon hit me like an anvil on my head. I remember my father stabbing me, the loud gun shot, and my fathers eyes, empty and emotionless, just staring at me as I bled out. 

"I know," I responded. 

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to but he...he hurt you and my emotions got the better of me. You always told me to not let my emotions to get the better of me when it came to being in the field and I did-"

"Stop," I reached my hand to grab his and he grabbed on like it was his only confirmation that I was in fact alive, "You saved me."

"But you wanted him to suffer, you were-"

"Harry," I again cut him off but he continued. 

"-stupid to have attacked him in such a manner."

"Excuse me?" 

"Why would you risk your life?"

"To save my damn partner that's why," I seethed. 

"I was fine. I was going to figure it out," Harry spoke unsettled. 

"No you weren't. You were stalling but he knew there was only one way out. And it was to kill him. There was no other option," I explained. 

"You were dead Mae! Dead! Do you know how sick I was thinking that the one person-"

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