Dad Part 2

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Fuzzy. Everything was fuzzy. My head felt like it got hit with an anvil like in a stupid cartoon. It was heavy and pounding, but I knew I needed to open my eyes, I wasn't safe. I needed to gauge my surroundings.

I couldn't remember how I had gotten there, going to rub my eyes, I heard the clanking of chains, and my hands were not able to reach my face. I was restrained. That's when everything started to become clear and I remember just how I had gotten where I was.

I grabbed all my things and bolted out the door, leaving Harry naked and tied up to his bed. I was terrified when I woke up next to him. I never stay the night. And waking up in his warm embrace, snuggling closer to his warmth scared me. I had been awake when he woke up and I heard him say we were late. I knew we were, but I wanted to figure out the odd sensations I was having. Maybe I could talk to Harry about it. When we got to work maybe his knowledge of thought process, although extremely weird, could open up some sort of idea of what was happening.

"Mabelle" I heard someone say behind me and I was about to congratulate Harry for how fast he was able to pull that off, but the voice wasn't Harry's. I turned around but there was no one. I turned back to continue walking to the office but I was blinded by a large chest and a sharp prick in my neck.

I tried to fight and pull the needle out in my mind I knew whatever was in that needle was fast acting. Before I could even get one good punch my body went limp and the dark figure held onto me as he pulled away his hood.

"You..." I breathed out before all went black.

"Dad," I spoke.

"Haven't heard that in years," A deep angry voice spoke from behind me. Even after years of not hearing that tone, I knew I was right.

I tried to fight, forgetting I was harnessed to a chair. The metal pulled and tightened on my skin and I finally stopped fighting and just waited for him to come around and face me.

"My how you've grown," he spoke again, and I heard his voice moving around from behind me.

"How could you do this?" I slowly urged. My mind was still moving slower than I would like.

"How could I?" He repeated, "Easily."

And that's when he came fully around into the light, and into my view, and I felt my heartbeat slow. His eyes, commanding, his tough, beaten by the sun skin, strong, and his sinister smile, which I had always mistaken for pride, was now mocking me and my failure.

I bit back the fact this was my father, the man who had trained me, who molded me into what I was, and looked at him like what he truly was. A murderer.

"Why are you doing this?" I struggled against the restraints.

"Because you will never live up to what I could've done with a son. You let your emotions get the better of you. You and every other female on this planet. You're useless if you cannot throw emotions away."

"I've been emotionless since I was fucking eight years old. Like you trained me to be!" I shouted.

"Is that why you look at that Agent Styles like a love sick puppy? And why you spent the night with him, in the biblical sense as well as the literal." he pouted his lip mockingly.

I stopped all movement. I looked into his eyes. His cold, dead, eyes.

"You've been following me?"

"So you admit your feelings for the nerd boy?" my father raised an inquisitive brow.

"That's not-" I stopped myself. To argue means he was getting to me. But in my mind I knew the truth. And he knew I knew.

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