Ball Part 2

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WHAT?!?! Quick update?! Shocking right?!?! Because I can! Thank you to all who read!

Every pair of female eyes were on Harry. It was like they had never seen him before, and now that they had, they wanted a piece.

My hand that was resting on his upper arm squeezed tightly and his head shot over to me and his eyes quickly filled with concern.

"You ok? Do you need to vomit or something?" He stopped walking to face me directly. Watching his evergreen eyes scan my face to make sure I was ok was somehow the most soothing thing in the world. He didn't even notice all the eyes that were currently boring into him. His focus was me. In any other situation I would be furious because focusing on a singular person could get him killed but as he said, we were safe here, and his focus was all I wanted.

"I'm fine," I lied, "Just got a heel stuck on my dress. I'll never get used to these death traps."

"Hold it up with your free hand. I see Gemma do it all the time at these things," He whispered.

"Right," I reached down to gather a large portion of the gown to go along with my lie and continued to walk with Harry over to his sister.

"You two can make quite the entrance. All women's eyes on my brother and all men's eyes on his 'partner'" Gemma smirked handing us both a flute of champagne.

And then I felt Harry's free hand go to my waist and tug me closer to him posseively. I looked up at him to see his eyes throwing daggers at his sister.

Before I could try and ease the tension, a loud voice shouted, "Son!"

Harry's hand was now almost part of me with how tight his hold was on my hip bone. As we turned around I reached my hand to his pulling it off my hip and weaving my fingers between his giving a tight, encouraging squeeze.

His father's face went from an extremely jolly, red faced, sweaty drunken mess, to a disappointed and frustrated face. As he made his way over to us the guests of the party, parted like the Red Sea as all eyes were on us. They were just waiting for something bad to happen. It must've been a common occurrence.

"Dad," Harry nodded gentlemanly greeting his father.

"What on Earth is all over you?" He asked waving a hand around Harry's bare chest.

"They're tattoos father," Harry spoke with a calm monotone voice.

I let out a small laugh that I hid behind the champagne glass in my hand.

"You look like a common piece of trash," his father spat, "Cover them up immediately," he commanded. I was ready to lay this man out. But Harry actually held me back with the grip he had on my hip.

"I don't think I will. I like them, and according to the numerous amount of women who are gawking at me the same way I had several prostitutes look at me, I would say they don't want me to cover them up either."

 Go Harry! I internally was giving him a high five and gripped his hand tighter letting him know I approved.

"Prostitues?!" Gemma whispered as she laughed.

"It was for a case Gem," He rolled his eyes and cringed at her implications.

"You are here to help me seal a very large investment. Not to gallivant around with this new found confidence and a rebellious attitude." his father continued to mock.

"Confidence is the key to success I'm told. I'm simply trying to help you succeed. Now if you'll excuse me, I promised Mae I would show her my prowess on the dance floor," he handed his father his champagne flute and looked over at me to do the same.

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