With the puck on my stick, I let my legs do the work.

The center was immediately on me, but it took me barely seconds to outskate him.

I felt the urge to chirp at him but bit my tongue.

The defense closed in on me, well they tried too.

I slipped right between them and then the play became a shoot-out with me and the goalie.

I watched as the goalie squared up, noting his low blocker and wide-open five-hole.

It was way too easy as I skated to the goalie and with a simple slapshot through the five-hole, buried the puck in the net.

I cheered as my linemates skated to me.

"Thatta girl Astrid!" "Great Job" "Fucking Beauty Babe"

We all turned to go to the bench, conveniently skating by the other teams flabbergasted center.

"The fuc-" He gapped as I smirked at him.

"Hey, two twos." I poked his chest. "Try to keep up will ya?"

Curses followed me as I skated away.

The rest of the game went well. Our team winning the "dub" 5-2. Although there was a slight incident where Henrik took a puck to the chin.

He had calmly skated off the ice and he and Luka disappeared for maybe five minutes before Henrik appeared on the bench again. Eight stitches holding together his chin and him grinning like a mad man had me smiling.

My Henrik, always so tough.

The game ended all too soon though, as I found myself leaving the locker room. Dressed in leggings and an old hockey sweatshirt, I was ready to get back to the hotel where I could shower.

The bus ride took forever as sweat clung to my skin and I felt icky. When we finally got back to the hotel, I quickly got off the bus, thanked the bus driver, and made to bolt for the hotel.

Sadly, Coach and Ryan had other plans.

"Hey, Astrid!"

I had to hold back my groan as Coach called me over.

"Hey, coach." I threw on my best smile and approached him and Ryan. "What's up?"

Ryan cleared his throat. "Well, we wanted to start off by congratulating you on a great game. That center was so dumbfounded when you blasted past him." Ryan chuckled as he pictured it.

"Thanks." I chuckled too. It was fun chirping at the center. He did deserve it too.

"We also wanted to make sure everything's okay." Coach said.

"Sir?" I asked, confused.

"Well, you seemed distant before the game. We wanted to make sure that you're okay with your room assignment and everything." Coach said.

For like the trillionth time today, my heart cracked a bit. Aww, they wanted to check on me.

"Yeah no, everything's great. In fact, I'm hoping to get up there before my roommate stinks up the bathroom because I need to shower." I lied, Luka would never be so inconsiderate.

"Oh right. Yeah, you best get going." Coach waved me off. "Go get some rest, we're going to need you to have another good game tomorrow."

I waved goodbye and quickly made my way through the hotel. To either my luck or despair, the lobby was empty and only a few of my teammates were seen roaming the hotel.

I made my way to the second floor and got to my room.

Aaaaaannnddd the door is unlocked...

Taking a few calming breathes, I steadied myself as I opened the door.

Please be empty. Please be empty. Please-

I went in with my eyes shut hoping that the sound of shuffling was just my imagination.

"Cutie?" Colten's voice questioned.

Definitely not empty. I kept my eyes shut as my shoulders sagged. Maybe I can will them away?

Hot boys go away. Come again another day. Hot boys go away. Come again another day. Hot boys-

"Is she muttering to herself?" Ryder asked, he sounded offended.

"It would seem so," Corey answered him.

"Why are her eyes shut?" Bentley asked.

"Fuck knows," Henrik replied dryly.

"Why are your eyes closed, Ash?" Luka asked from somewhere close by.

I threw my arms, but kept my eyes shut, as I said, "Oh great, you're all here. Please make yourselves a home."  Sarcasm rolled through my every atom.

Remembering the layout of the room, I found the nearest wall, and lightly bounced my head off of it.

"Hot boys go away. Come again another day. Hot boys go away-" The manta became quite catchy.

"Aaaaand now she's hurting herself," Henrik exclaimed.

Footsteps neared me and a warm hand replaced the cold wall I had previously been hitting my head against.

"Open your eyes." Ryder's minty breath was toooo close.

"No." I tilted my head and attempted to hit a more empty wall. Sadly a hand cushioned the blow once again.

"Grapes." Ryder's voice dropped. "Open your eyes."

I could feel how close he was to me.

"Nooo." I feel like a toddler having a meltdown. Maybe that's what this is. A meltdown. Fina-fucking-ly.

"One last chance Grapes." His lips ghosted my ear. "Open.Your.Eyes."

Just do it. Open your- "No." You stupid girl...

Ryder growled. Like actually growled.

I could feel as Ryder's burning gaze left my face. Only for seconds.

I don't know why, but he must've gotten the permission he needed.

"Time for a shower." He grinned. Well, I think he grinned, I can't actually know BECAUSE MY FUCKING EYES ARE SHUT. stupid girl.

Thank you for reading Chapter 27. I hope you enjoyed this extra-long chapter. I'm sorry for leaving it where I did, trust me I really wanted to keep it going, but I felt like the chapter was getting just a little too long. I would also like to apologize for my despicable uploading schedule. I've been really sick and I've been really busy with hockey, so I'm really sorry. Let me know what you thought about this chapter, comments and feedback makes me really happy!!
~Until Next Chapter

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