The bet is still on.

                Christina seems to realize this at the same time and before they knew it, they were rushing out of the kitchen.

                 " Oh girls, be more quiet! The king is having a meeting with his counselors and generals!" Christina and Kayline burst into laughter, now having the desire to be more obnoxious.

                   The generals are a bunch of snobs and the counselors believe themselves to be wise, old and perfect mentors for the king. In other words, Christina and Kayline make fun of them as much as they can.

                     Christina and Kayline's feet slam on the carpet, echoing off the walls. Their laughter and chuckles fills the empty noise. They hike up the stairs, skipping 3 stairs at a time. Kayline grabs the end of Christina's shirt holding her back, so that Kayline can get the high ground. She rushes in front of Christina and grabs the mule post to swing her body around the corner, giving Kayline more time to run down the hallway. Christina ends up by her side, smirking, not impressed by the challenge.

                       Christina slams her feet on the ground, slowing down her momentum. She throws her door open and slams it close, saying behind her,

                         " Hurry up slowpoke!" Kayline rolls her eyes and turns into her room. She closes the door behind her, but she doesn't hear it click. She groans and slowly turns around and give the door a slight nudge with the end of her run-down converse.

Kayline hears punk music blaring from Christina's room, which means she is taking a shower, a long one, no doubt. Kayline hops back and forth, as she tries to get her converse off her feet. With one last pull, she falls on her butt. She feels her brain move around from the reaction. She shakes her head, trying to get rid of the dizziness and stands up. She throws her shoes at her wall, mostly because she's annoyed at them, but also wanted to give Chris a jump.

       She quickly jumps in the shower, trying to get the dirt off of her the best she can. After about 2 minutes, she quickly hops out, and swipes a dress off a hanger.

At dinner, Christina and Kayline dine with the Kings family and whoever visits. Their king, David, named after the kingdom's first king, always wants them on top of everything, even their guests.

Yes, that does sound rude, but this is what Christina and Kayline are trained for. See how their body reacts if they are telling lies or the truth. If their breathing speeds up, their eyes turn to the left of right, or even if they make too much eye contact. Luckily, it's just the Royal Family, Christina, and Kayline tonight, but Kayline still likes to be presentable in front of the Queen.

                       Kayline throws her dress on her bed, as she grabs a brush to quickly untangle her thin blonde hair. She slips the periwinkle dress over her head and rushes to the door.

                        Kayline stops midway and curses under her breath. She forgot her heels! Do I really need them? Kayline asked
\herself. With a shrug of her shoulders, she decides to leave them behind. her dress is long enough to hide her feet.

As Kayline speed walks down the hallway, she still hears Christina's music blaring. There is no way that she is done. When it comes to comfort and uneasy, she will always turn to comfort. Kayline smiles, hello chocolate cake!

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