Chapter 38 (Sweet dreams)

Start from the beginning

"Oh yeah, my sword..." I muttered, it all kind of making sence now.

Just after that, the lady came back out of the room. There seemed to be heavy reluctance in each step she took. Returning to the same spot she was in before, she over exaduratively swallowed her breath.

"How can I help you... two?" She didn't even try to hide the painful amounts of cringe in her voice.

"We'll have two bagels. Y/N, anything else you want?" Todoroki asked, finding a coin pouch out of his bag.

I glanced around, my eyes quickly landing on a favorite sweet treat (F/S).

"Um... A F/S please!" I smiled, pointing at it exitedly. I can't remember the last time I had it and my taste buds miss it soooo much.

"Ok, that then." Todoroki nodded, "That'll be everything."

The lady nodded, packaging up what we'd asked for in individual paper bags. She left them on the counter, giving me a chance to pick them up while Todoroki handed over the money.

"Thank you miss!" I said as we walked out of the shop.

She hummed, no longer hiding her mild desgust in the slightest.

"Well she was nice." Todoroki rolled his eyes, taking one of the bagels out of my hand and started to open it up.

"Hm..." I nodded, "Maybe she was just having a bad day."

Finding a bench to sit down on, we did so and began to eat.

Despite looking for the best conclusion as to why she was so rude, I couldn't help but let my mind roll back to just an hour ago... when I was told that's how everyone acts all the time. Surely, it can't be true. It was just a cooincidence that one of the first people I meet in the city's a littly grumpy. Everything's totally fine.

"Excuse me." A new voice scared me slightly, making me jump back out of my thoughts.

There was a man dressed up in a blue unifom standing infront of us, hands on his hips with a rather stern looking expression.

"H-" I was about to speek before remembering that I made a bad impression last time. I made sure to tone it down, quietly saying "Hi." instead.

"Is there anything we can help you with officer?" Shoto asked, causing me to realise the what the man was wearing. He was a police officer, annother thing I'd only ever read in books!

"Yes, you two can go somewhere else." He huffed.

"Pardon?" Icy-hot asked, "I don't believe we're doing anything wrong."

"You are. People have come up and complained to me about you two looking fishy. They live here so there comfort takes priority over you two having some weird date."

"S' not a date." I muttered, taking annother bite of the bagel to hide the fact that I spoke.

"That's not exactly fair. This bench is public so shouldn't we be allowed to sit here?" Todoroki tilted his head to one side, remaining expressionless.

"Don't test me kid. Move before I arrest you for public desturbance." He barked.

"Fine. Come on F/N, we should just listen. It's not worth it anyway." Shoto sighed, standing up.

I did the same, albeit feeling pretty sad about it, and we began to walk away. As we did so though... I heard distant muttering of the other people around the street.

"Thank goodness, they where so weird looking." "They kinda look like villains..." "I bet they where planning something..."

My heart practically stopped. I stood dead in my tracks, my breathing sharpened and my eyes growing wider.

"Shoto..." I breathed.

"What? Y/N, are you ok?" He placed a hand on my shoulder and shook me slightly, attempting to get me to look up.

"I... was Dabi right?"

I'M NOT DEAD! I've just been forgetting to update... Um... so wow! This now has 2K reads and almost 200 votes. I am undeserving of such attension. Thank you to everyone who's been joining in recently and an even bigger appology to all the ones who've bared with me and waited for updates... I'm sorry.
I did draw some art for this and it's ment to show up in a later chapter but I'm just going to put it in this one though as a thank you! (You just read 1403 words)

I did draw some art for this and it's ment to show up in a later chapter but I'm just going to put it in this one though as a thank you! (You just read 1403 words)

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