Chapter 75

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When they landed at the mansion, all hell broke lose.

People were all over the streets, fighting.

Luka and Rayvon wasted no time. They took one another's hand and ran towards the mansion.

Jed followed.

The demons hadn't seen them yet but they were after the kids so when they do, they won't stop until they get what they want.

But the kids were aiming for Mila and the demon leader. If they were killed first then the chances of the fabric between the two worlds being destroyed, will decrease.

"Just keep going, don't look at them" Rayvon shouted over the chaos as he and Luka ran over people who had already lost their lives.

Jed was slashing any demons he could see with his knife as he ran passed.

"Concentrate on your power" Luka shouted. They didn't know where anyone was.

Orin was running behind Jed. She somehow knew to follow them.

The angel wondered if Zachariah had found his wing. He really hoped he did because without it, he was weak.

"There!" Rayvon yelled. He saw Mila down a corridor and pulled Luka in that direction.

The half angel's blue eye had started to shimmer gold. His power was coming but that's what they wanted. He would be able to really fight and be strong.

Just as they jumped over more bodies and ran passed scared members of staff, three demons plowed into them and stopped them in their tracks.

Rayvon flashed his fangs, making them think twice about their actions.

"Get out of our way or I'll kill you" He growled but Jed didn't give them an option and killed them in a matter of seconds.

"We don't have time for options," He said. "We just need to keep moving!"

Luka gripped his soulmate harder as they continued down the corridors.

The demons had trashed their home.

Every painting, cabinet, ornament or lamp was destroyed and scattered all over the grand hallways. Some of the chandeliers had been pulled down and Rayvon saw one corridor that was covered in spray paint.

This made him mad.

He has lived in this mansion his whole life and it was the very heart of his family. He has shared some of the best memories within these walls and they had no right to come and tear it down.

"There she is!" Luka gasped and pointed.

Rayvon followed his finger and saw Corey and Panuleon, pinning her to the ground.

"Let's go help!"

Jed guarded the kids while they ran down the hallway.

Corey was pulled back by a big demon as Panuleon was jumped on by several more, but they could handle this.

To them, it just felt like old times.

Even before Corey and Panuleon connect a bond, the angel was staying in the humans home, hiding from the demons.

But that was another story.

As the boys reached them, Mila had managed to get to her feet but Rayvon's voice in Luka's head made him concentrate on him.

"It's time for revenge. Show your power. Show her how wrong it was to hurt you, show her how strong you are."

This built up the half angels anger.

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