Chapter 26

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"We're doing what now?" Oliver questioned.

Vinny could see it in his face that he hoped he heard them wrong.

"Camping! We're taking you all camping" Madison beamed.

Corey and Panuleon shared an interested glance, liking that idea. Rayvon and Luka shared a happy glance, also liking that idea.

But Vinny watched Oliver, knowing he may object to this idea.

He's not fond of camping.

He may look manly but he can't cope with bugs, cold nights, uncomfortable beds and toilets that are at the other end of a field.

"Now Oliver, I know you don't like camping but the weather's supposed to be great and it'll be nice to get away for a few days" Duke smiled.

"It's just for a few days?" He asked. He likes to be outdoors, just not sleeping in it.

"Just for a few days" He repeated with a nod.

"When are we going?" Corey asked.

"After lunch I want you all to pack and we'll go when everyone's ready."

Vinny could tell that Oliver really didn't want to go.

"So, we're going today?" He asked.

Madison and Duke smiled at Oliver but taking him would be more amusing than anything.

"Yes and don't worry, you can pack as much as you like."

"Are we going for two nights or for three?"


Oliver's face made everyone chuckle.

"Why not one? I can handle that."

"No," Vinny said. "You're coming for three, purely for my entertainment."

Oliver gave him an emotionless stare but he knew there was no getting out of it.

"You might like it Oliver" Panuleon smiled.

"Yeah, you'll probably have a great time," Corey said. They were amused by his reaction but apparently he was the same last time they went camping.

The kids were around four years old and they only went for one night but Oliver hated it.

It's just not for him and they know that but it'll be nice for the kids to get away too, so he will at least put up with it for their sake.

"Okay fine" He mumbled and crossed his arms.

Vinny grinned at him and kissed his cheek.

"Right, eat up and we'll tell you where we're going on the way" Madison smiled before her and Duke went to inform John.

"Are you excited Rayvon?" Vinny asked, wondering if he liked the idea or hated the idea.

"Yeah, I think I remember the last time we went camping."

"Really? You were so young" Oliver said.

"I remember too. But I only remember sitting in a really shallow lake with Rayvon. We were trying to catch tadpoles" Luka said quietly.

"I remember that" Rayvon smiled. They didn't know this, but their memories get shared from one mind to the other if they're vivid enough.

So what Luka remembers, Rayvon remembers too.

"I remember getting really upset because you hurt your hand and I couldn't mend it."

"That is so cute" Oliver sighed happily. "You couldn't stand it when each other was upset or hurt."

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