Chapter 74

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Jed rushed over to the angel as Orin jumped out of his arms and over to Vinny.

The vampire picked her up and she immediately started purring. But everyone was too focused on Zachariah.

What happened to his wing?

Corey was too weak to even stand up so Panuleon carried him over to the injured angel.

"Zachariah, where's your wing?" Jed asked.

He was in so much pain but he had to remain strong.

"I-It's at the mansion" He breathed.

"If I heal you now, I can't re-attach your wing if we find it later on," Panuleon said. "But, how did you get here?"

"With great difficulty" Zachariah doubled over in pain. Losing a wing was like losing an arm or a leg.

Panuleon put Corey down and knelt by him.

"Where's Jenny? Is she safe?"

"Yes," Zachariah said and scrunched his eyes shut. "She's thousands of miles away."

Jed looked at Duke and Madison.

They knew he wanted to go back to the mansion to retrieve his wing but they didn't want him to go alone.

"Can we just get this over and done with?" Rayvon asked, making everyone look at him.

He and Luka have been discussing it in their heads and if they go back to the mansion, find their power, kill every demon before they ruin the fabric between the two worlds, then the war will be over.

It's just safety that everyone cares about more.

"Can we go to the mansion together. Luka and I will do what we were born to do which is win this war."

Vinny sat on his knees and stared at his son. He has always been very level headed, independent and makes the right choices.

He was scared to admit that this might be one.

"It's much more dangerous than-"

"Dad" Rayvon interrupted Oliver. "You knew this was coming. We know it's dangerous which is why we trained so hard to be able to fight back. This is our war and we can't just run away."

Luka was by all means petrified but he agreed with Rayvon.

They need to take the responsibility into their own hands.

Corey and Panuleon shared a glance. Their son was eighteen, not a child. He was able to make his own decisions but this felt too big.

Vinny chewed the inside of his lip. He needed to let his son do this. If he felt that it was right then he'll support him no matter what.

"If you're going to fight, we'll be right there beside you. You two were born for this reason and if you think now is the time to start, then I'm not stopping you."

Duke and Madison were shocked to hear this.

"Vinny, you're sending your son into a war zone!?" Madison asked. They couldn't go anywhere near the mansion, it's far too dangerous.

"He wants to go. He's right, they can't keep running. We can't put this world through an attack like this when these two are the one's who can stop it. I don't want to let him anywhere near the demons, of course I don't. But it's not my decision."

"I agree," Corey said. "There's no point waiting around for something to happen. I think with the power that they share will create something special."

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