Chapter 19

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When Vinny opened the door to the dining room, Luka was on his hands and knees. He was gripping his chest and crying for Rayvon.

They seemed to be in a lot of pain. It looks like they suffer a lot more than them when they reach their limit.

Vinny quickly walked over to Luka and put Rayvon down next to him.

They instantly clung onto one another, pushing their chests as close as possible just to stop that awful pulling sensation.

Luka breathed in his familiar scent, finding that to be another thing he craved.

Everyone watched as they slowly calmed down.

They couldn't believe it happened early. They wondered if anything else would happen when they're eighteen or if this was it.

It seemed incredibly strong already, they couldn't imagine it ever getting stronger.

"How long was that?" Corey asked.

"Twenty minutes" Oliver said while Rayvon clung onto Luka's jumper.

Everyone raised their eyebrows, that's significantly shorter than Vinny and Oliver's.

"I don't ever want to feel that again" Rayvon said before lifting his head.

"At least we know your limits now" Vinny reassured him with a smile. "And if you're careful, you probably wont feel it again."

Luka lifted his head and rubbed his teary eyes dry. His hands were trembling slightly, but he felt safe in Rayvon's arms. It was strange for him to admit that, but really comforting at the same time.

"Are you two okay?" Corey asked.

They both nodded and blushed as they looked at each other.

Unlike Vinny, Rayvon finds in really hard to hide his blazing cheeks.

"Let's sit down, I think it's time for Oliver and Corey to interrogate you" Vinny said. He could feel things trying to force it's way up his throat and knew his soulmate was desperate to ask questions.

Rayvon got up and pulled Luka up to.

They still wanted to hold each others hand but wasn't brave enough in a room full of people.

They went over to the couch and sat down extremely close. They used to sit close before, but now it's on a completely different level.

They have to be touching to relax properly.

Vinny, Oliver, Jed and John sat on one couch as Duke and Madison sat next to the boys on the other one. Panuleon and Corey sat on the arm chair that was next to both couches.

This was a new addition to the dining room as they've realised that there's not enough room for everyone if they all sit in that area.

Corey sat on Panuleon's knee and sank his back into his chest.

Duke and Madison smiled at how cute they looked. Corey is just so small compared to the angel.

"So, what's different?" Oliver asked before sitting forwards. "Can you feel each other's emotions?"

"Uh, I-I think, I think so" Rayvon stuttered. It always gets a little worse when he's nervous. "We can hear each others thoughts."

Right now, Luka could hear Rayvon arguing with himself about wanting to hold his hand. He was trying not to smile because this situation was just too weird.

"I bet that's so strange" Oliver said before looking at Corey and Panuleon. "Was it hard for you two to get used to that?"

"Yes," Panuleon smiled. "We kept replying out loud, not realising we were answering each other's thoughts. That drove Corey's parents crazy."

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