Chapter 27

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Wednesday, 13 April 2016.
Maya woke up to the silence of Philadelphia feeling a bit out of order due to it not being the noisy New York.
For the first time in forever she wasn't feeling the rushing of New York with the traffic and could she just have a relaxing afternoon.
Or so morning if she didn't wake up way past the morning.
She looks at her phone revealing it being just past eight as she climbs out of bed.
She quickly went through her suitcase as she put on some clothes for the day before going to the kitchen.

She quickly went through her suitcase as she put on some clothes for the day before going to the kitchen

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"Morning, dear. You're up late," Amy said.
"Morning. Yeah, I overslept a bit. But it's nice waking up according to my own schedule for once. It really is. Did Josh go to school yet?" Maya asked.
"Yeah, he did," Amy said handing Maya a mug of warm coffee.
"Thank you. Listen, I know you're pretty busy but would you mind to help me this afternoon? I just need someone to help me with my hair and make-up. I really don't do these kind of things very often," Maya said.
"No problem. You know, I actually have to thank you. You're the first and probably only girl who Josh has taken a dare with. My baby boy's first love. Shame, I waited a long time for that," Amy said.
"And he is mine. I'm so lucky to have him in my life. I really am and I couldn't have wished for someone better," Maya said.


It was later the day and Maya was busy brushing through her wet hair.
Amy was right behind her as she took the brush continuing with brushing.
Maya smiles as she puts her hand on her lap.

"You know this was my favorite part of the day. When Morgan came to me to brush out her hair," Amy said.
"My mom never actually did it," Maya said.
"Your mom missed a lot. Was my absolute favorite part of each morning," Amy said as Maya's eyes started to tear up.
"Yeah. It's something I look forward into doing with my children someday," Maya said.
"I'm glad to hear you want any," Amy said.
"Yeah. I do. I'll make sure that I'm a better rmothet than my own was," Maya said.
"Okay, let's finish up here," Amy said.

Maya's dress

Maya's dress

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"You nervous for the homecoming or to take Maya with?" Alan asked Josh as he could see Josh was getting nervous.
"More to take Maya with. The school kids are different at each place and if any of them are like Riley I'm gonna kick myself. For sure," Josh said.
"You definitely are like Cory. Maybe just a bit worse," Alan said.
"Hey! Leave poor Cory out of this. I'm actually hoping to find out how Maya will take change," Josh said.

"You boys ready?" Amy asked as she went to see what they guys were talking about.
"Yeah, let's see what you've done," Alan said.
"Come on down, Maya!" Amy said as Maya came down with the stairs.

She took Josh's breathe completely away with how she did look.
Clearly much different than she could ever look but she was more beautiful than ever before.

"You look beautiful," Josh said as he went to give Maya a kiss on her cheek.
"Okay, stand together for a quick picture. There we go. Now you take care of her," Amy said.
"Of course Mom. I'll see you guys later," Josh said and they were off.


And there all good things comes to an end.
Thank you for the support and if you guys have any ideas for a future sequal message me.
I'll see you guys soon.

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