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"Shawn, my guy

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"Shawn, my guy .. wassup!" Dwayne spoke, his voice filled with excitement once he spotted Shawn walking his way with his gym bag in tow. The friends shared a common handshake then prepped themselves to get ready to go out on the gym floor.

"How was your night?" Dwayne asked. He immediately picked up on Shawn's odd mood and began to fear that his anxiety was interfering with his normal, calm mood.

Shawn shrugged his shoulders, "It was chill.."

"You haven't been feeling anxious have you?"

"A bit, but, doesn't feel like nothing I can handle."

Dwayne agreed and chose to move the conversation in a different direction, "Understood. I'm glad you came out today, we got a lot to do, you ready?"


When they made it on the gym floor, a few other occupants walked by to say hello. They took their spot near the weights and began to stretch before focusing on achieving a great workout. Despite his cool facade to Dwayne, Shawn was fuming on the inside. It was important for him to release the stress of everyday life here at the gym, but he was feening to release something more valuable within that beautiful wife of his.

After their sexual scenario that was sadly interrupted by their daughter, they laid in awkward silence until sleep overcame them and when he woke up for the gym, Beyoncé & Sienna were no where to be found. This frustrated him tremendously because he had no clue how to express these feelings. Making love was nothing but a foreign language for him and he knew Beyoncé would only be but so patient with him for much longer.

"You sure you good, bro?" Dwayne asked during their water break. He took a seat next to Shawn on the bench and analyzed his body language for a quick moment.

Shawn scrunched his face up in confused, "I'm good, why do you keep asking me? I ain't bout to off myself or something-"

"Man I know, it's just .. I worry about you with all the anxiety and the new meds. You feel like they're working?"

He shrugged his shoulders, "For the most part. I feel fine, ain't been that anxious but it's been hard with Bey and all ..." Shawn finally revealed.

"Trouble in paradise, huh?"

"I mean we aren't arguing or anything but we haven't .." He took a slight pause to exclude any pending embarrassment.

"Been intimate?" Dwayne asked for clarification.


"How long has it been?"

"I can't really recall, it definitely had to be before Sienna was born .. or maybe after. But to sum it up, it's been some months and I know she's tired of waiting." Shawn exclaimed. He wiped the remaining sweat beds off his forehead with his personal towel then took a long sip of his electrolyte water.

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