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"Shawn!", Maria exclaimed as they stood face to face after she opened her office door, "What a surprise to see you here?" She questioned slightly

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"Shawn!", Maria exclaimed as they stood face to face after she opened her office door, "What a surprise to see you here?" She questioned slightly.

"May I?" He spoke in a soft tone.

"Of course," Maria stepped aside and watched him take a seat on the couch. He looked anxious in manner but tried to keep it composed as his eyes wandered the office space. Maria finally took her seat adjacent to his and sat quiet before beginning their unplanned session. Knowing his situation, Maria would be a fool to turn him away, so she was thankful that she didn't have any scheduled appointments today to begin with. "Would you like a water or soda?"

"Nah, I'm okay. Just .. here to talk." He said solemnly.

"Then let's talk shall we!" Maria gave him a smile and lightly patted his hands as a sign of comfort and to reinforce to him that this was a safe space.

"Beyoncé didn't sleep with me last might." He mumbled.

Maria's face lit up in confusion, "In sexual manner or..?"

"Platonic." .. "It was our usual time for bed but, I had another episode again." He quickly ended eye contact with Maria as if he felt ashamed for admitting what he had done.

Maria let out a small sigh, "I see. Tell me what you remember?"

Shawn's shoulders gave off a small shrug, "I mean not much, honestly. I just remember pacing the room when she appeared, sort of like I was in some dangerous trance. And when she approached me I just .. I lost it. I told her to stay away from me but she didn't listen."

"Then what happened?"

"I tried to freaking knock her head off her shoulders. Tore up her arms with scratches and just ... lost control!" His revelation sent a wave of nausea Maria's way as she experienced a split moment of PTSD from her own trauma; now it made sense why Beyoncé didn't sleep with him.

"Afterwards, when she's usually still composed, she snapped at me .. didn't let me touch her, nothing. Just went into the bathroom and never came out." Now in a state of mild delirium, Shawn rocked back and forth on the edge of the couch while simultaneously fidgeting with his fingers. "I fucked up, Maria. I really did."

"Shawn I know you don't remember clearly but please try when I ask you, is Beyoncé seriously injured because of this outburst?"

"Not physically but mentally, I'm sure."

They sat silence for a few moments as Maria cultivated what words she wanted to say next. Her heart cried for the Carter family but she knew that without her intervention, they'd end up in an unlikely situation similar to her own.

Before she could speak, Shawn continued to ramble on, "I don't want to keep hurting the woman that means so much to me, Maria. I'd die for her, she's my soulmate, and she's so full of love that I know all she's doing it trying to help!" Shawn looked at Maria intensely before responding once more, "Help me get this shit under control!"

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