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"I swear I have the cutest grand baby!" Tina cooed as Sienna continued to be fascinated with her ageless face

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"I swear I have the cutest grand baby!" Tina cooed as Sienna continued to be fascinated with her ageless face. She lightly ticked the her nose then stood back and observed Beyoncé as she swayed aimlessly from left to right. Although a month's time had pass, Tina choose to stay and help Beyoncé through this rough patch within her marriage.

Thankfully, Shawn's behavior began to improve for the better. He continued to stay on the right track toward healing by going to therapy twice a week and also kept a remembrance diary to log any times in which he felt anxious or close to a violent panic attack. Moreover, he decided to get back into working out and was going to the gym every morning with Nia's husband, Dwayne, in tow. Their budding friendship was refreshing for Shawn since they both had very similar backgrounds besides being in the military.

Yet unfortunately, things weren't so peachy from Beyoncé's point of view. Of course she was proud of her husband's growth over the past month, but things were beginning to become strange within their marriage. A part of her felt that she was overthinking the situation, but the other half wanted things to change in order for their love to continue to flourish! Their affection toward each other was diminished and they barely cuddled during downtime when Sienna was at rest. Kissing was also close to extinction along with no sexual acts being initiated by both parties. In her mind, there was only a handful of times when saying 'I love you' would suffice; she wanted more and was bound to get it.

"What's on your mind, bumble bee?" Tina questioned, making Beyoncé cringe at the use of her childhood nickname.

"A lot of things, mama. But nothing you can solve."

Tina scoffed, "How you figure?! I've been living this life longer than you have. Don't sleep on my wisdom, baby girl."

Beyoncé shook her head and chose to focus her attention back on her beautiful bundle of joy. She had no perfect response to say to her mother, so she kept quiet and decided to rest on the couch and feed Sienna with a warm bottle.

"Bey, seriously. I'm worried about you-"

"For what, mama? I'm fine, I swear." She interrupted. Tina continued to stare at her daughter who choose to avoid eye contact, then let out a defeated sigh before standing to walk away.

"Fine, I won't press the issue. But let's get ready to go to this birthday party, I'm ready to have some fun!" Beyoncé let out a small laugh and continued to focus on Sienna's progress. The birthday party of Nicole's son, Alex, posed as another stressor she had to currently face. Not speaking to her best friend for over a month was unusual and she was afraid to face Nicole and apologize for her distant behavior; all Nicole wanted to do was help and instead Beyoncé had turned her away.

"Ready to get dressed, my love?" Beyoncé spoke to Sienna while placing her empty bottle in the sink. Sienna made a small whine and mushed her face into her mother's chest, symbolizing that she was definitely getting the sleepy and in need of her afternoon nap. Moving quickly, Beyoncé got her dressed in a blush pink ruffled romper with matching sandals and headband, then placed her in the middle of their bed with surrounding pillows to keep watch while she got dressed. In the midst of getting out of the shower, Shawn walked unannounced into bathroom.

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