27. History of Magic

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there's a rhyme and reason
to the wild outdoors


"I still can't believe you didn't invite me to drive with you guys," Viktorija complained.

"For the last time, we didn't know we were going to nor did we want to," Perry sighed.

"I'm gonna hold a grudge anyway," she said nodding with a smile.

Perry let out a breathy laugh before rolling her eyes and shaking her head at her best friend. Viktorija had been so jealous that she missed out on the car extravaganza. Meanwhile, Hermione was disappointed with all of them, and wasn't the only one. Alana didn't approve of it. Cedric found it quite hilarious, but after a glare from Alana he cleared his throat and sided with her.

Viktorija and Perry were making their way down to the first floor. Viktorija was dreading attending History of Magic. Perry didn't mind the lesson, but Professor Binns teaching strategy did bore her. The most entertaining part was when the ghost would glide through the wall to begin teaching.

This year Perry had Herbology, Astronomy, and History of Magic with the Ravenclaws, Defense Against the Dark Arts and Charms with the Gryffindors, and Transfiguration and Potions with the Hufflepuffs. She had also decided to take not only Art as an elective this year, but Ghoul Studies as well. Perry couldn't wait till next year when the majority of the classes would be offered to her.

"Oh look Dracy!" rang a high pitched voice that seemed to vibrate off the walls. "There's the one and only famous Persephone!"

Perry and Viktorija let out a loud groan as they recognized who the voice belonged to. They turned around to see Viktorija's twin sister, Pansy, clinging to the arm of Draco Malfoy as the whole Slytherin group walked towards them.

"Signing autographs, are we, Persephone?" Draco taunted. "I thought mommy and daddy would have raised you to have more humility than that."

Perry's eyes squinted into daggers that she sent straight at Malfoy's heart. With her hands clenched at her side she took a step towards him. Before she could get anywhere, Viktorija grabbed her arm and pulled her away.

"Although I would absolutely love to see you kick his arse again," Viktorija said dramatically, "You're already on the rocks. I can't have you getting expelled because of something as pathetic as him."

She raised her voice to make sure that he could hear her last sentence. Snickering, they entered the classroom and took their seats.

In this classroom there were three students to a table. Dylan Crawford, a ravenclaw boy with curly brown hair and hazel eyes took the place beside Perry. She offered him a smile in which he returned. As usual, Viktorija already had her head on the desk and her eyes closed.

The first few classes they'd had of History of Magic were filled with nothing but talk of expectations and summaries of what they did last year. Hopefully, this class they would actually begin learning.

Gasps escaped from the mouths of students who still hadn't quite adapted to Professor Binns and the way he entered the classroom. Others let out a sigh, as the most interesting moment of class had just passed.

"Attention," Professor Binns said dully. "Attention, class."

Everyone got quiet and stared at him, waiting for him to begin speaking again.

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