12. Detention with Snape

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and we'll do it too
if you're smart


Perry was confused at first by Pansy's retort, but as soon as she reached her dorm room she saw that her and Pansy's bed had been switched. The mouse hole was now behind Perry's bed instead of Pansy's, but Perry didn't mind.

That night Perry had grabbed the radio out of her trunk and placed a silencing charm over her curtains. She listened to the music and drew with her ink & quill until she fell asleep.

The following day felt off to Perry as soon as she woke. She had hoped that everything that had occurred the night before was just a dream, but when she awoke in Fred's now bloody jumper she knew it wasn't her mind playing a trick on her.

When Perry walked into the Great Hall everyone was looking at her. It seemed the word that she had punched Malfoy got out fast. Viktorija ran up to her and looped her arm around Perry's.

"You are the coolest person I am ever going to meet in Slytherin," she said, "So I've decided to keep you."

That was the first day of Viktorija and Persephone's friendship. It was also the first time Perry had ever been called to Dumbledores office.

Perry shook with fear as a few of her professors glared down at her, including Professor Dumbledore. They each reprimanded her for her behavior.

Snape originally decided to give her a weeks worth of detention, but after consideration by the other professors, mainly McGonagall, she ended up with a months worth of detention. The professors wanted to make sure no student thought it okay to have fights.

Harry felt horrible that she had detention all because she stood up for him, but she explained to him that it's not his fault and there were other reasons why she'd done what she did. Fred and George couldn't have been more proud of Persephone. Perry expected Fred to be mad that she got blood all over his jumper, but he found it so funny he refused to let it be washed.

The other Slytherins had finally felt that she earned some of their respect. She wasn't as much of a pushover as they thought she was. Perry was happy that she felt a little more accepted by the people she was constantly surrounded by, but none of that could have compared to the disappointment she felt when she first saw Cedric and Alana after the punch.

They both disapproved of the way Perry handled herself in the situation, and they made sure she knew. They brought it up one time when they were helping Perry catch up on her school work. Other than the small reprimands they randomly fit into the conversation, Perry hadn't had to deal with it too much.

Perry had gotten so behind on her work because of all the detentions that she ended up going to Alana and Cedric for assistance. They were both more than happy to offer her help, well, Cedric more than Alana. Sometimes Cedric ended up doing her homework for her.

Tonight was Perry's very last detention and then the next day would be the start of the holidays. Hogwarts was now covered in snow and the castle was freezing, especially the dungeons. Snape's classroom had to be the coldest place in the entire school.

"Don't make me go," Perry said with her head on the library table.

"You have too," Cedric said putting her books in her bag.

"No," she drawled out. She tilted her head up to look at him. "Please, no."

"Seph," Cedric sighed, "It can't be that bad-"

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