25. Return to Diagon Alley

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something whispered
in an alleyway
or through a crack


Dear Weaslings, and famous ones (if your there yet),
I hope everything with the great rescue mission went as planned. You'll have to tell me all about it, but I'm guessing Fred and George did something partially illegal. As for my summer, it's been interesting. I've been stuck with knuckleheads for far too long. Pansy has only dragged me along to the Malfoy's a few times. The rest of the times I've escaped to the village where a few other Hogwarts students live.
To answer your question, I can meet you all at Diagon Alley on Wednesday. Sadly, I won't be able to stay with you all for the last few days before term. I wish I could, believe me, but I have to travel to my grandmothers. I can't wait to see you all on Wednesday! A round of ice cream on me.

Your favorite,

"I can't wait to see her!" Perry exclaimed as she handed the letter back to Fred. "I've missed her so."

"You only have to wait a few days," Ron replied as he walked down the back stairs carrying his broomstick.

Perry stood outside with Fred, George, and now, Ron. The boys had decided they would spend the day playing quidditch, and Perry decided to tag along, wanting to get some fresh air. In her hands she held her new book and her kit of different inks and quills.

Harry came out the door holding his nimbus two-thousand, and they were ready to go. They began their trek up the hill to get to what the twins call their "makeshift quidditch pitch".

When Perry got to the top she looked down at the field that truly lived up to its name. The goal posts were three slightly curved trees whose branches happened to form circle like shapes. On the way down the hill, Fred explained they used apples instead of the real quidditch balls just incase a stray one ends up in the muggle village off wander. If one of the real balls did end up there it would be hard to explain.

Perry sat underneath a tree while the boys flew around in the air. She drew in her new journal. Since she'd gotten it, she's used it as a diary, sketch book, and all sorts of other things. The pages were endless and so were the possibilities. She tried to recap her entire last year in the book to ensure she'd never forget it.

She found herself drawing the Hogwarts crest. Her heart yearned to be within the walls of the dim-lit castle once again. Every time her quill hit the coarse paper she wished to be back with Viktorija, staying up too late in their beds.

She continued to draw the crest until the long drawn days finally came to an end and Wednesday was upon them.


Perry came out of the fireplace knowing not of where she was. The room was lit by lamp looking mushrooms of all different colors. The ground Perry stood upon sank a little low with every step she took. Perry bent down to touch it. Standing up she decided she must be standing on moss.

Neither Harry nor Perry's first attempt using floo-powder had gone very well. Harry has said something incoherent, and in an attempt to follow him, Perry repeated what she though he may have said.

Seeing that Harry was not in the same place as she was, she concluded she hadn't done very well. Above her, crystals hung from the ceiling by the bunches. Perry recognized these crystals from her Potion classes and from the detention she served with Draco Malfoy and Adrian Pucey. She carefully avoided touching the different colored crystals, as she didn't want to suffer the consequences.

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