2. An Alley Named Diagon

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a whole new world
a dazzling place I never knew


The cart ride wasn't enjoyable for Harry nor Persephone. Harry grew aggravated from his  questions constantly being dodged by Hagrid. Persephone's questions, on the other hand, were answered by Hagrid almost instantly, but dear Perry was not having the time of her life in this contraption.

At the beginning she had seemed thrilled to ride the roller coaster looking invention. After all how many times had the two children had to watch Dudley and his friends have fun on the rides while they held their belongings. Soon, she found the ride more like torture instead of the fun she had wished for. With one look over the edge of the cart Perry's face visibly paled.

Now they were on their way back to the entrance of the bank. Not one of the three visitors talked as the cart ventured through the ravine.

After many twists and turns; uphills and downhills, the cart came to a sudden stop, causing Harry to almost spill his entire pouch of coins. Two pale faces, one slightly red face, and a wrinkled face of a goblin made their way out of the cart and began to walk back into the entrance hall of Gringotts: Wizarding Bank.

Perry hung onto Harry's arm as they passed by the many goblins doing there jobs. She swore they could sense her fear. Seconds later, the pair walked out of the entrance into the shimmering sun light. Eyes watering and minds racing, they beamed at each other.

"Might as well get yer uniform," said Hagrid, nodding toward Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions. "Listen, Persephone, Harry, would yeh mind if I slipped off fer a pick-me-up in the Leaky Cauldron? I hate them Gringotts carts."

Harry offered a nod, although he didn't feel entirely confident in getting their school robes alone.

"Go ahead, Hagrid," Perry said smiling. "We'll be fine."

"Off yeh go then," Hagrid said nodding towards the shop.

The two children started walking towards the shop before Perry abruptly paused. "Oh, and Hagrid," she called out, "You can call me Perry." The hair on Hagrid's beard shifted upwards; Perry took that as a smile.

Once again wrapping her arm around Harry's, she pulled him into the little shop. A desk faced them when they entered, a curtain behind it, and a small staircase to its left. A squat woman clothed in mauve stepped out from behind the curtain, a wide smile on her face.

Perry stepped up to speak to her, but the woman beat her to it. "Hogwarts, dears?"  Madam Malkin said to the two. "Got the lot here— another young man being fitted up just now, in fact. "

Persephone followed behind Harry, stepping on the back of his souls every few steps. They were led to a room in the back where a young boy who looked their age stood on a footstool. He had blinding blonde hair, a pale complexion, and the most mysterious gleaming grey eyes.

Harry and Perry stepped onto their own footstools as Madam Malkin flicked her wand. The robes slid onto their arms instantly. Perry's eyes shimmered with glee, just as they had every time they'd seen a little bit of magic today. A small smile formed on Harry's lips when he saw the gleam in her purple eyes.

"Hello," said the boy, "Hogwarts, too?"

"Yes," said Harry, still watching the girl who was so intrigued by the pins floating around her and hemming her robes.

"She your girlfriend?" the blonde boy inquired with a nod in Perry's direction.

"N-No," Harry stuttered while his ears turned red, "She's not."

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