28. Cornish Pixies

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she said it's all a game


"Professor Binn's never mentioned how horribly annoying Pixies are," Viktorija screamed over the horrendous sound the Cornish pixies were emitting.

The noise was a mix of screeching birds and a high pitched baby's cry. If this wasn't enough to make their ears bleed, Perry didn't want to hear how truly loud the mandrakes they are planting in Herbology are.

The Cornish Pixies were electric blue little elf looking creatures. They had green wings that were flapping all around as they tried to pry through the bars of the cage.

Seamus Finnigan was practically toppling over in his seat from laughing so hard. Professor Lockhart did not like that one bit. A grimace spread over his face while he looked down at Seamus in his fit.

"Yes?" he said to Seamus.

"Well, they're not— they're not very— dangerous, are they?" Seamus choked.

"Don't be so sure!" Professor Lockhart exclaimed, wiggling a finger at the class. "Devilish tricky little blighters they can be!"

The amount of eyes that had rolled may have been a new class record. All the girls were fawning over Lockhart. Perry might have been too if he hadn't showed how much of a self-centered bugger he is. All of his 'come pose for the prophet' and 'I gave you a taste for fame' had ruined his reputation to her.

"Right, then," Lockhart said loudly, grabbing their attention. "Let's see what you make of them!"

His hand reached for the metal lock and he swung the cage door open. The electric blue pixies dashed out of the cage, going straight for anything they could get their hands on.

They grabbed jars and threw them across the room. Vikrorija had to duck to avoid getting hit by one. Pixies shattered windows, grabbed ink bottles and poured them everywhere, tore pictures off the wall, dumped out the waste basket, and dumped out bags and threw books all over. Neville swat at the pixies with his book. Two pixies in particular, whom were being swat at, picked up Neville by the ears and hung him from the chandelier.

Viktorija let out a squeal before ducking under her desk to avoid another jar being thrown towards her. Perry looked around and saw that the majority of the class was hiding under their desks as well. She considered joining them.

"Come on now—" Lockhart said attracting the classes attention, "— round them up, round them up — they're only pixies."

Lockhart smiled brightly, pushed his sleeves back, and held out his wand.

"Peskipiksi Pesternomi!"

The spell had absolutely no effect. The pixies were still causing havoc all around the classroom while Lockhart merely looked at his wand as if it was it's fault the spell hadn't worked.

One pixie streaked across the classroom, stole the wand straight from Professor Lockhart's hand and threw it out the window. Defenseless, Professor Lockhart dove under his desk in panic.

It was lucky he did. The second he made his dive, the chandelier gave out and Neville came swinging down with it.

Perry fumbled for her wand before pulling it out and shouting, "Arresto momentum!"

Neville came to a halt inches above the floor. He hovered in the air for a moment before the spell wore off and he fell stomach first into the ground. He let out a muffled groan that sort of resembled the words "thank you". Professor Lockhart's eyes lit up the second he saw Perry's mouth form the words of the spell.

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