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Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out.

Her eyes spring open, only trees surrounding her. It's been a few years since she's stepped into the woods. But it's not like she has much of a choice now. The dead have risen and started to feed on the living. Humans, animals, whatever they can catch that has a beating heart. In all her years of experiencing horrific things, she never thought dead people would start walking around.

Atlanta is possibly the worst place to be when there's pale freaks trying to kill you. The roads were jam packed full of civilians trying to remove themselves from the city. After a few hours cars stopped moving. People began to panic. They were hoping, praying that the military would come and rescue them. Instead they came to kill them. Execution style. A single bullet in the back of the head for any living person they could find. It's almost like the dead weren't trying to kill them. The living did that just fine on their own.

She understands why of course. Doesn't mean it was right. They were trying to stop it from spreading rapidly. To contain the virus. For the first time, she can't help but feel gratitude for being kicked out of the military years before.

She was on that road. She saw how they killed all those people, slowly making their way towards her. As chaos broke out she took her chance and got away. She knows better than to stick around. A part of her, very deep down can't help but feel guilty. But as always, she chooses to ignore it.

Now she stands in the forest on the outskirts of the city, only a backpack full of survival items; water, food, her hatchet, a knife and two guns sheathed on her thighs. Her father taught her well. He was crazy but he taught her how to survive. He was a paranoid man, always worrying that the world would end. Everyone looked at him as if he was a mental patient, her mother too. But Blair loved him too much for it to ruin her relationship with him. Turns out he was right. Of course he didn't know it would happen. He wasn't like one of those guys in those movies that was at the right place at the right time and overheard some crazy shit, then looks crazy while trying to tell people that the worlds gonna explode or something. No, he was simply a man out of his mind who thought the world would end. Nothing more, nothing less.

And she'd give anything to be with her father one more time. To just look him in the eyes and tell him, 'you were right dad.' He'd laugh and say, 'have I taught you nothing? I know I'm right. Now go catch us something to eat.' If he was anyone else's dad they'd be running for the hills. But she never ran, she allowed him to go on rants about whatever. Maybe one day he'd think the government was going to blow up the world, then the next he'd believe badgers were going to crawl from under their house and eat them. He wasn't to far off with the badger one.

She put him in a hospital. If she knew what was to happen, she never would've considered it. All she can do now is find out if he still lives.


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