2. Chaster.

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Blair approaches the side of the next apartment building, hoping this is the one. She's searched building after building for at least an hour now, trying to find this girl. After Evan's death, Blair rethought going after his sister but having another person would make things a million times easier. She scouted out the hospital her father would be in, but against what she hoped, it was surrounded. She needed a second person to have her back if she wanted to get in there.

So here she is. Going after the sister of the man she let turn. 

With a heavy sigh, Blair sneaks around to the front of the building, the dead lining the streets some yards away from the door. If she can just be as quiet as possible, maybe she can get the door open before they realize. After trying the handle unsuccessfully, she unsheathes her knife.

It doesn't take long before the door is pried open and the corpses start to make their way over to the noise. Without a sideways glance, Blair slips into the building and pushes a table near the staircase to block the entrance. She's got to make this quick. There's no doubt in her mind that they'll break through soon enough. She can only hope the girl is here and she won't have to try and check another building with them on her tail. And if she is here...hopefully someone prays to god on her behalf, because if this girl can't shoot a gun and they're in the middle of the city, they may be as good as dead.

The stairs creek under her weight as she steps carefully on each in an attempt to not alert anyone or anything that could be in the first few rooms. She approaches the first door of many along the messy hallway. After knocking first and hearing no shuffling, she opens the door and clears the apartment quickly. No girl. She knocks on the second door but pauses as sound can be heard from the other side. The noise doesn't sound like shuffling feet. Instead it was a small squeal. Someone's in there.

Blair looks back at the door down the stairs. The banging has attracted more. There's no going out the front. If this is the girl, Blair needs to keep all her scary buried as deep as possible. She looks back to the apartment door and clears her throat, "I'm not gonna hurt you." She immediately rolls her eyes, face-palming herself in spirit. As if someone, especially a scared girl would just take her word for it. Her voice doesn't sound like hers with the soft tone. And Blair has never been a solid actor. Her true intentions bleed through pretty fast. Not that her intentions with the girl are bad, but the idea of being all mother-like with this girl is not something she's going to act out well.

Cursing herself, she decides on a more realistic approach, "The dead are banging on the door. They'll break through soon enough. I'm here to help so it'd be useful to both of us if you let me in." A beat passes and footsteps make their way closer to the door. The lock is undone and it opens. A blonde teenage girl stands in front of Blair. Her eyes wide and unsure. She releases the door and backs away slowly.

Blair takes careful steps in and locks the door behind her. They each take a deep breath, both attempting to ease their nerves as neither knows how this'll go. The young blonde looks younger than Blair imagined. Almost like the new world never touched her. She can't help but feel jealous. 

"Who are you?" The girl questions.

"We need to get moving. They'll break through any moment now," She avoids the question and moves to the girl's kitchen with her pack.

The blonde backs away further, "I-i'm not going anywhere with you if you can't tell me your name." She tries to put her foot down in a second of bravery. But once the words spill out, she gave away her fear. Blair sighs, knowing being all mysterious is doing nothing but wasting time. She can't help but feel wary of the girl. Her brother stole her stuff and broke the small amount of trust he had from her. She doesn't want to make that mistake again.

The Field Of War || Daryl DixonNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ