1. Anger And Betrayal.

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What is it? That feeling when you don't want to do something but your body just won't listen? No matter how much pleading and begging goes on in your mind, your body just won't hear it. Why is she walking into Atlanta, the city full of the dead and soon-to-be? Why in the world does her body think this is a good idea? The obvious answer is that she has no other choice. But anyone could argue that there will always be something else to choose from, this isn't the only answer. 

Though maybe she's curious. Is the city really as bad as she thinks is it? The answer to that question is of course it's as bad as she thinks. It's probably even worse than that. But what if, right? Risking your life for someone whos most likely dead would be considered moronic to most people. But Blair doesn't care what others would hypothetically think of her choices. She only cares what she thinks.

Blair shuffles across each street, hiding behind any corner of any building that she can. No matter how many weapons she's got, they won't save her when a horde comes strolling down the road. Her father's hospital is only a few miles away. If she's careful enough she might just manage. 

She turns the corner, peering down the road. Two of the dead wander around each other and they stand directly where she needs to go. The one on the left wears a red shirt with a design of a pizza in the center while the one on the right wears a sun dress with flowers all over it.

Just as Flower Girl catches notice of her, she buries her weapon in Pizza Boys' skull. She starts to close in on Blair as she yanks the hatchet out of the dead man's head. In a quick motion, Blair kicks her knee in and she falls to the ground with a thump. The gurgling mess of what once was a pretty girl soon goes quiet. Instead of putting the hatchet back in its holster, she decides to keep it in her hand. As she goes further into the city, the dead are only going to become more prominent. It's best to be as careful as she can.

As she takes her next few steps around another building, a scream echoes throughout the streets. Blair's entire body goes rigid, her senses on high alert. She knew it wouldn't be unbelievable for the city to have a few living people still in it. There must be people too scared to leave the only comfort they have left. The screaming doesn't stop and it's only coming closer. As Blair begins to backtrack and find a different way to her father's hospital, a man turns the corner in front of her at what she can only describe as the speed of light.

His eyes go wide once he sees her, not thinking he'd run into a random lady walking through the streets. In a split-second decision he grabs her hand and drags her along behind him. Everything is moving much too fast for her taste. She killed two of the dead by herself in a silent city just a minute ago and now she's holding hands with a strange man who is louder than she'd like.

Blair chooses to stay quiet as she begins to fight his grasp, there's been enough noise to bring the entire damn city down on them. The man grunts with each hit she throws at his arm, "Damnit! Will you stop!? I'm trying to save your life!" He yells as they run. Confused, Blair turns her head behind her only to watch as the first horde she's ever seen turns the corner. She gasps and the man releases her arm, knowing she's good to run on her own now. She does her best to keep up with the stranger, her knee hindering her speed slightly.

The duo turns down an alleyway only to find the classic dead end. It happens in every movie to ever exist. And now it's happening to them. They curse in sync as they both try and find a way up the wall. Luckily, it doesn't seem too high for climbing it to be impossible. Doesn't mean it'll be easy though. 

Blair turns around, the dead now limply jogging closer and closer with every second. She pulls out her two guns and tosses one to the man, noticing he only has a knife. She begins to shoot each one down as he tries to climb the wall.

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