Chapter 26

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That morning I woke up throwing up. Not that I could tell whether it was morning or not because Derek still lived underground.

I went to the bathroom and realized that I had a fresh new eyepatch over my left eye. I lifted the white eyepatch and saw that my eye had been restitched with black thread. I scoffed in disgust because I felt this was Derek's way of trying to make me love him.

The food from the day before still remained on the side table and when I went back into the room I noticed Derek was still sleep.

If I tried to escape at that moment, what would have happened to me? Knowing vampires, specifically Derek, he'd catch me the moment I left the house. But if he didn't, where would I go from there? The door needs that gold key that Derek swallowed. But now that I thought about was Derek able to get out himself. That's something I never figured out.

I stood there looking at his sleeping body. I hated the nostalgia. The memories of when I did feel something for him. It wasn't love, at least I don't think it was.

I mindlessly walked into the kitchen and grabbed a knife, being as slow and quiet as possible. When I walked back into the room, Derek was still sleep. I breathed a sign of relief and walked over to him. I had no remorse, but I wasn't dumb. I analyzed the possible outcomes of this.

1) I kill Derek, cut the key out his stomach, leave.

2a) I attempt to kill Derek, he wakes up, stops me, kills me.

2b) I attempt to kill Derek, he wakes up, stops me, nothing happens.

I'm the mother of his child and he wants this child, so why would he kill me?

I watched as Derek shifted in bed, going from laying on his side to laying on his back. The blankets didn't cover the black scars that laced his stomach and chest. I remembered again, the reason I was pregnant. Damn.

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