Chapter 2

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The sun began to dawn while the stars started to make their way ahead.

I continued to walk through the woods that surrounded my house, listening to the sounds of trees rustle in the wind and the sound of birds chirping and crickets screaming.

The air around me began to chill as the night set in.

I've been walking for 9 hours now.

I was starting to second guess my decision to leave. No. I can't. Because I don't care.

It was getting really cold which was strange. It was the middle of July, why was it THIS cold?

"Winter!" My head flung around to the sound of my name being echoed through the trees. I stopped. My heart beating quickly in my chest.

"Fuck. I'm hearing things..." I muttered under my breath, being able to see it within the cold air.

I turned around to keep going when I saw a small light in the distance that wasn't there before.

The sound of movement in a nearby bush caused me to jump and face it. It went still before moving again. Harder.

I instinctively took a step back in fear before carrying on my walk to the small light.

But, when I looked back to where I was going, there was no light.

Now I really was doubting my decision to leave. I should have framed my brother for trying to kill me and tell the police that I killed him before he could get me. That would have been better, but I was already 9 hours away from my house.

"Help me!" I heard someone cry from behind me as I watched a bloody version of myself with only one arm and her torso down gone, leaving a bloody trail as she crawled out of the bush.

"Please." She begged as her brown molted eyes rolled to the back of her head before I stumbled back, falling to the ground with a heavy thud. I quickly scrambled to my knees, then noticing that the girl was gone and so was the blood.

My eyes overflowed with tears. I was scared and panicking.

A large hand placed itself on my shoulder as I flipped around on my butt, looking at the mysterious figure.

"No! Go away you fucking hallucinations!" I yelled at the dark figure closing my eyes hoping that when I opened them the figure would be gone, but I was wrong. The figure loomed over me while holding out a hand.

"I'm not a hallucination, are you okay?" The voice from the figure was deep and smooth which lead me to believe it was a boy.

I reluctantly took his hand as he pulled me to my feet before wiping away my tears with his soft, gentle hands.

"What is a young girl like you doing so far out here alone?" He asked.

"I'm 17 and why should I trust you?" But I so badly wanted to trust him so he could give me food and some sort of shelter.

"Because I'm only trying to help you. I'm Derek Berloan." He said pulling his hood down to show his face.

His beautiful gray eyes looked straight through me like he could read my mind. His hair was brown and to his collarbone and his skin was almost white. My head reached the middle of his chest so standing next to him made me feel so much smaller than I knew I was.

"U-uh, my name is Winter Lawson." I spoke breaking free from my thoughts.

"Ironic name, but pretty." Even though he only smirked, it still showed off his captivating dimples.

"Now, if you will. Come with me," he paused looking at my stomach. "You're hungry and cold, I can help you with that." He finished. I avoided eye contact because suddenly the ground was the most amazing thing I had ever seen.

"Yeah. I would appreciate that." At this point I didn't care if he took me into his basement and raped me then killed me. I had nothing to live for anyway. For some reason death seems like the best solution.

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