Chapter 7

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Derek looked at me for a moment.

"Well I wouldn't put it like that." He said closing the door behind the boy.

"Why don't you invite her down?" He offered. I was hoping Derek would say no because I'm not fond of people.

"Alright. Winter, come here." Derek said as I mentally groaned.

I walked the down the steps carefully and into the living room where Derek invited us to sit on the couch with him.

"So why are you here?" Derek asked from the right side of me.

"No particular reason. Just happened to be passing through. Have you seen Geo though?" He questioned from the left side of me.

"No. I last heard he was with Damien."

"I thought Damien was staying at Noah's cause' his house caught fire."

"Wait what? Tony said that Damien went to Noah's house to stop the fire that Geo caused."

At that point I tuned them out because I had no idea who and what they were talking about.

"Oh wait where are my manners. I'm Eric, Derek's better looking twin." Eric said with a wink.

"I'm Winter." I replied.

He looked at me for a couple of moments. Though he had the same eyes as Derek they still held something different about them.

"Well I should get going now. If you see Geo tell him I'm looking for him." Eric said as he left out the house.

Derek sighed an unsure sigh as we headed up stairs.


I stood still as the steaming hot water burned my back. I never knew why but the pain always felt nice.

I heard my room's door open, footsteps, then the door closed. Derek must of placed something in my room.

I closed my eyes inhaling the suffocating air the hot water produced.

I leaned my head back allowing the boiling water to run through my hair, flinching at the pain it gave my scalp but relaxing as my skin got use to it.

Getting out the shower, I went into my room to see what Derek had placed in there.

On my bed was a note.

My eyebrows furrowed at the sight of it.

'If Derek wanted to tell me something he would have just said it.' I thought to myself.

I open the note and it read;

"Who knew such a beautiful girl existed amongst us? Your blood smelled so sweet through your skin and had Derek not been there I would have taken you right then and there. You'll be mine soon, and I promise you'll enjoy me more than Derek. Btw, don't tell Derek, that wouldn't be a good time for you."

My eye widened at the sight of the note. The only people who could have possible written this was either Jessica or Eric, but Jessica didn't see me so my only thought was Eric.

A knock on the door switched my focus.

"Are you decent?" Derek asked.


I shoved the note into the top drawer of the dresser.

"No but you can come in." I said tightening the towel around my body as the door opened.

"Here." Derek placed some clothing on my bed and then looked at me. A chuckle escaped his lips as he turned away from me.

"What's funny?" I asked, genuinely confused.

"You're always so curious, aren't you?" He peered down at me.

"Only because everyone is hiding things." My words put a somewhat devilish smile on his face.

"You are too, and I know exactly what it is you're hiding.


"Like I said before. I've done some things for you that you have yet to find out." He said walking to the door.

"Wait!" I spoke up.

"What specifically do I have to do to get you to tell me?"

A mischivious grin crept onto his face.

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