Chapter 3

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I followed closely behind him waiting for another nightmare fuel inducing hallucination to appear.

The sky shadowed as the moon walked across it.

The temperature felt in the negatives at this point. Every time I inhaled my body would feel like a winter wonderland and every time I exhaled my breath was as clear as day.

"Here." Derek stopped, taking off his black hoodie.

I took it with hesitation and put it on. The warmth of it would have put me to sleep right then and there had I been alone.

His hoodie reached a small bit below my knees in length and the sleeves hung low. Throwing the hood on my head, I stopped to realize that I was the only one benefiting from this.

"Wait. Won't you be cold?" I asked.

"No." Is all he replied. Questions and confusion flew in circles around my head.

I said nothing.

We continued to walk as a cave peered in the distance. My nerves caused me to tremble as I was ready to say goodbye to my worthless life.

He began to walk slower than our original pace, so I copied.

As we arrived at the cave's entrance, Derek stopped but didn't turn around to look at me.

"Don't say a word, don't make eye contact, and don't stop moving." He said in a deathly serious tone.

My heart sunk to the acid in my stomach as he gentle grabbed my hand. It was pitch black and the sound of our footsteps echoed through the cave's walls. I pulled the hood down to cover my eyes before closing them to ensure I wouldn't look at whatever was in that cave.

As we walked through it, I could hear tiny voices screaming to be sent free, although their words were inaudible. I could feel eyes staring at me from all angles of the dark and ominous cave, and for a moment I could have swore I heard Cameron's voice begging me to turn around. But who was Cameron again?

Derek told me I could open my eyes, and when I did, I was greeted by a beautiful wooden house. The small area around the house was comfy and neat as fairy lights hung from the ceiling. Not what I was expecting.

Derek didn't let go of my hand when he helped me down the uneven stairs.

Derek looked at me with a stone serious face. "Hold still." He knelt down on his knee, moving my short hair away from my neck.

Each breath I took shook violently due to my lungs being on fire as the feeling of his warm breaths scraped my neck.

I was unsure of what he was doing so I kept still until I felt 2 sharp needle like objects stab into my neck, causing my whole "still" thing to fall apart.

I screamed as I tried to push Derek away but his grip on me tightened as he pressed his nails into my arm letting me know he wants me to be still. So I gave him what he wanted.

I felt my blood rolled down my neck and into the hoodie that hung loosely on my body. The world stun around me, becoming nothing but small pixels. My breaths quickened as my body numbed before falling limp into darkness.


I woke up in a soft bed, too soft to be my own. Realization hurtled down on me like a stone rolling down a hill. I had left home. I stood on my feet allowing the cold carpet to get to know them.

To my right was a bathroom, the door was wide open so I went in to see in the mirror that I had 2 white bandages wrapped around my neck. Not too tight non too loose.

A knock on the opened bathroom door pulled me into reality. I looked up to see Derek leaning against the door's frame.

I was too scared to say anything, so he spoke first.

"I just want to make myself clear so, pay attention. No matter how loud you scream, no one can hear you. You can't run, I'm faster than you. You can't hide because when I drank your blood I mesmerized the scent of it. And you can never leave because that door that leads out of here requires a specific key that only I have it." Derek said showing me the key. I looked at the shiny gold key with neon blue highlights before looking at Derek again as he continued to speak.

"And you won't ever get this key." His voice lowered, leaning his head back before dropping the key down his throat with a loud swallow.

"Breakfast in 5." He sent me a 1 second smile, leaving out the room completely.

My heart had nowhere to go but my throat. I swallowed it down like Derek did the key. My body fell limp again causing me to fall to the cold, hard tiled floor.

I was surely going to die, and if not, then I don't know what was going to happen to me.

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