The Siege of the North: Part 2

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After Aang being lost to Zuko, after Katara and Silver had both been in a very ugly fight with him, Silver was in a state of shock, as she looked at huge burns on her arms, hands, and chest.

"Zuko did this to you?" Sokka asked, and Silver groans as they brought her to Yagoda and her healers, and she'd wince.

"He clearly felt like it was necessary to hurt me, and I was apparently the superior Waterbender. Ah."

Silver's voice was now a very low grunt of pain, and Yagoda and her most advanced of her students, were working on the most serious of what were Silver's many wounds.

"He truly cares for you. He would not have done this, unless he was all very desperate to get the Avatar to the Fire Nation before Zhao does." Sokka said, and Silver was still under the healers, and she said nothing more.

Silver was lying on her back, and sleeping soundly for now, as the Fire Nation's attacks resumed, quickly and swiftly, and upon all of the Northern Water Tribe.

Then, when a young man ran into the healers' healing place, and told of, yet another much stronger fire attacks on the Tribe, and it was coming soon.

At that, Silver woke up, and was pronounced healed enough to fight at least a little bit.

She sat up with a loud gasp of pain, as she looked at her stomach burns, who were the worst, and were still healing.

"No Silver! You must not go out to fight yet! You are not fully healed yet from your rather severe burns."

The senior healer student insisted, as of just then, a fireball hit just outside a lot closer then they would like.

At that, Silver ran outside, and holding her stomach gently with one hand, as she blasted the nearest ball of flames away, and into the water.

"Silver! Granddaughter! You should not be fighting yet!" Master Pakku's voice was stern but loving at the same time, as he charged towards her.

"You need every Waterbender that you can get to fight! I am a very much skilled one of your students!"

She insisted, as a tank charged towards them, and as the full moon rose, they became so much more powerful then they had before.

"Silver!" Her grandfather shouted, as suddenly the moon went red, and she collapsed.

All of the Waterbenders were suddenly running for their lives and Silver looked up at the moon.

"The koi fish!" She gasped, and managed to drag herself up onto her feet with strength that she never truly knew or thought that she had.

"I must go. Do not throw your life away needlessly Grandfather. I have lost enough already without losing my other grandparent as well."

She gasps quietly through the pain from her burns, as she managed to stagger towards the sacred place.

"Put that spirit down!"

She shouted, and Zhao laughed.

"You are a Waterbender still... are you not mighty Princess of Omashu? Since you are here, you may as well watch a spectacular event that will go down in history! As I kill the moon spirit!"

He shouts, and Silver gasped, feeling in and admist the pain of the burns as well that the rest of her Waterbending abilities had left her.

"I'm no traitor Zhao." General Iroh said, pulling back his hood as he looks at the Admiral, giving Silver time to swiftly move herself to stand by Appa, and pull out a knife to begin sawing at rope that held someone who was now all bound up and deserved to take the revenge on the Admiral.

"The Fire Nation needs the moon too, and we all depend on the balance. I'm saying now, that whatever you do to that spirit I'll unleash on you tenfold!"

The furious General shouted, and his hands were up in a battle position, as Silver finished as the last rope snaps.

Zuko opened his eyes, as if shocked to see her helping him. "Don't. Just finish your mission to defeat Zhao. As soon as your uncle makes his move." She whispered, and Zuko shook his head.

"I'm sorry." He whispered.

"Already forgotten." Silver murmured back and then she hid the knife in her pocket, and stood next to Aang, in the stoic silence she had perfected for this and times like it.

Zhao let the koi fish go, but then blasted it with fire, and he almost immediately killed it, as the moon completely faded from the sky.

Iroh roared, and he charged towards the Fire Nation soldiers and they were all defeated quickly but Zhao had run.

Silver looked back at the spot she had released Zuko, and all there was now, was a pile of cut up good quality rope.

"It's over." Yue sobbed, and Aang's avatar spirit took over, and he shook his head.

"No... it's not over." His voice had deepened significantly, and then he had become one with the Ocean Spirit and had begun to attack the Fire Navy furiously.

"The moon spirit is dead."

Silver whispered, and suddenly she felt a wave of hurt, as Yue made the honorable sacrifice, to die bravely, for the moon spirit to be able to live.

Silver gasped, and Katara healed her wounds as fast as she could, and then Silver was running out to help in the fight.

"Hey! You need some help?"

She asked, as the full moon shone brightly in the sky, and Zhao's shock was very clear.

"Hyah!" She shouted, and a huge wave of water, it slammed into Zhao, and missed Zuko completely.

It had very clearly done so on purpose, as the Ocean Spirit suddenly grabbed Zhao, and then Zuko reached out his hand, but Zhao spat on it.

As the Ocean Spirit dragged him into the spirit world, and Silver looked like a drenched teenager.

"Go. I won't let you go again." She mumbled and he shook his head. "You could have killed me just then instead of just hitting Zhao. Why didn't you?"

He asked, and Silver's eyes blazed in his direction like icy blue fire. "I don't know why. But I'm saying this for the last time because for reasons known not even to myself, I care. If the Water Benders find you, they will kill you."

Silver insisted, and Zuko nodded. "I'd imagine you're aware of the fact, that you are wanted everywhere you go."

He said, as she looked at him. "I've been wanted by two tribes since the day I was born Zuko. It'll not be new news. But yes I'm aware. You will be wanted by your father I'd imagine if he had any sense. I would watch your back Zuko. At all costs. Trust no one."

Silver spoke with a quiet certainty, that said she had been in that same position and situation before and now she looked back at the direction she was going in.

"Now go find a boat. I will send your Uncle to find you." She said, and her tone was as cold as ice, as if the caring person was completely gone from her as the moon had been gone from sky.

Iroh came to Zuko, with Silver trailing behind them.

"She is coming now? The raft is not huge Uncle." Zuko noted, and Silver's eyes rolled quickly.

"You'll need my help, should we run into any Earthbenders. Also I am also a good bargaining chip, I hear people, who have held me captive say."

She said, and Iroh coughed suggestively at Zuko. "Welcome aboard." Zuko grunted, and Silver looked at Iroh with a smirk.

"Besides, I can make this trip faster then you guys ever could by your two sorry selves."

Silver mumbles, as then the strong waves began to pick up and now she moved her hands and hummed under her breath quietly as she did so.

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