The Siege of the North: Part 1

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Silver watched in silence, besides the occasional chuckle that slipped out of her mouth as Katara beat every single one of Master Pakku's students and he was now looking at Aang.

Quite possibly, with all of the exasperation possible in his facial expression now, and Silver splashed water into Aang's face hard.

"Ow! Silver!" Aang complained, but then he immediately slammed his jaw closed when he saw that Pakku was giving him a glare that could break a whole glacier if looks could kill.

"Grandfather I assure you, he meant no disrespect to anyone at all." Silver said hurriedly, and then she looked up at the sky, as soot mixed with snow in the sky was falling.

"The Fire Nation." She whispered, and Master Pakku looked at her. "You are.. sounding very certain of this." He said and his tone was concerned.

"I was held captive by the Exiled Prince Zuko and his uncle for weeks grandfather. I was force to watch it... as it happened right in front of me."

"Then, as I felt as... as if the sky and water that was black, was what I was truly was becoming myself."

She murmured, and Pakku looked at her, as his eyes were widening now as emotions began to show on his face.

"I had no idea." He whispered, and hugged her tightly, as the gongs began to ring out around the Water Tribe, as they used them as their alarm to send, their warnings out.

Silver stood with her grandfather, as she looked up over the crowd, who is comprised of everyone left in the one true water tribe city left of the North.

"I'm going to need volunteers, for a very dangerous mission. But now be warned, some of you may not return from this perilous mission."

The king spoke with dread in his voice, and Sokka was the second one to receive the mark on his forehead.

Silver was working on the defense of the gate, when the first fireball, came whistling through the air, and hit the wall right below her, and it crumbled.

"SILVER!" Katara screamed, as Silver fell off of the wall of the city, and now she was hanging, barely holding, onto the remaining part of it.

"I'm alright! Just a little stuck!" She shouted, until a bunch more fireballs came whistling through the air.

"Aim for the gate! There is a very much struggling Waterbender there! I want her gone! I need her gone now!"

Zhao ordered his troops, and Zuko looked up out of the ship's window from the lower deck, and he saw a certain Waterbender.

"It can't be." He whispered under his breath.

Silver roared, as a fireball singed her arms and she had a fierce burn on her arm, and she pushed hard with water, and the next fireballs were absorbed.

Silver managed to swiftly propel herself back up onto the wall with a huge wave, and she collapsed on the wall, as her leg was also burned bad.

"Silver!" Pakku gasped, running towards his granddaughter, as the Fire Nation stopped their attack, as the moon rose above them.

Yagoda, and with the help of her fellow Waterbending women of the tribe, healed Silver quickly, as she went to go to the spiritual place as Aang needed to cross into the spirit world to complete his own plan.

Silver was still limping as she walked into the spiritual place to help guard a certain Avatar, and Yue looked at him.

"What is he doing?" She hissed under her breath, but rather loudly as it was and Aang snapped at the two girls, to tell them to be silent.

"I'll watch one side, and you will take the other Katara. Be vigilant and don't you dare stop to talk, and importantly to me especially... don't you dare, ever hesitate to tell me of danger. I am still a superior Waterbender."

Silver snapped, and just then, Aang was crossing into the spirit world, and his tattoos had begun to glow quickly, as the spirit world took over his body, as he transported himself to the spirit world now by his own power. As well as the power, of his many past lives as the Avatars of the past.

Silver was meditating next to him, until she heard something outside. "I will be right back Katara."

She promised, as she walked outside, limping quickly out of the spiritual of a place, as she held her hands up in a position of both defense and offense.

"Silver." A familiar voice said quietly from the shadows, and Silver lowered her head quickly.

"Why have you come here Zuko? Do you work for Admiral Zhao now?" She asked quietly, and he looked at her.

"You know me better then that by now Silver. I would never work with a monster such as Zhao." He spat, and Silver looks at him.

"Then why have you come? All this way just to see where I was trained to Waterbend?" She asks, and he looks at her, and he shook his head.

"If you move now, I won't need to hurt you to get to the Avatar. Please, I really don't want to hurt you Silver... I don't want to. Not again, but I will, if I need to."

He sneered, and at that, now Silver's hands came back up to defend herself and he looked at her.

"I truly am sorry." He whispered, and he blasted fire at her, and now Silver's hands moved water and ice all over to protect herself from the flames.

"Don't make me do this." Silver calls, and she looked truly furious and now her eyes flashed a brilliant icy blue, as the moon rose higher in the sky.

"I'm not making you do anything!"

He shouted, and Silver tossed him back in the water and her whole body was shaking, as she walked back into the very spiritual place.

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