The Warriors of Kyoshi

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Silver was asleep on Drin's shoulder, curled up next to him until a thud was heard, and she woke up.

"Why are we stopping so soon?" She yawns, and now her eyes blazed with clear surprise, as they had landed on the shore of an island now.

Aang smiled. "Look out there!" He called, and suddenly a giant Koi fish was leaping through the air, before landing back in the water.

"Woah." Silver said, and instead of going to ride the fish like Aang was planning to do now.

Of course now that they had actually, you know they finally reached the one place for it, that Aang knew of.

Silver reached out her hands, and stretched them out towards the water and now they hovered over it.

"Water." She murmured, and a wave began to appear in the water, as now she both murmured and concentrate on the water in front of her.

"Aang get out of the water!"

Drin yelled along with the others, and they all startled Silver who got soaked with water, and was now shivering as she glared at them all.

"Sorry, but Aang was in danger out there." Drin said, exchanging his fur jacket for hers quickly, and Silver had stopped shivering with a slight smile.

Then suddenly, as they were about to leave, people surrounded them on all sides. "Drin!"

Silver shouted and Drin sent a blast of earth up, and Silver sent up, a wave of water, but by then they had been on a hit of the ground.

"I guess we can stay awhile." Sokka said, and Silver quietly growled under her breath, and she clenched her fist.

She couldn't see anything around her, and a huge wave was thrown up over their heads.

"Take off our blindfolds. I will release this huge wave. I swear it by the great Avatars of the past."

She said, her voice betraying no hint of fear or any emotion at all really, as the blindfolds were taken off of them all, and then the wave settled down.

"You are a Waterbender." The woman said, who held the blindfolds. "Then it is true. There are twins, who are born of the two elements. One is Earth. The other is Water. The one of Water is the master of both... Yes?" The man said.

"Not a master of both quite yet sir, but yes I can indeed Earthbend but not an quarter of the way my brother can."

Silver said, as Drin looked around.

"You five, have some real explaining to do." The man said. "And if you don't answer all of our questions, we will as of now, throw you back into the water with the Unagi!" The woman said.

"Show yourselves cowards!" Sokka shouted, as he was the only one who still had a blindfold on.

His blindfold was ripped off, and immediately his big mouth was open and skeptical.

"Who are you? Where are the men who ambushed us?!" Sokka said, his voice accusing as he spoke to all of the woman in front of them.

"Sokka..." Silver started. "No! I want to know where they are." Sokka said and Silver grumbled under her breath.

"There were no men! We ambushed you!" The lead woman said and Sokka just laughed at her which was the one thing he could've done the worst.

"Wait a second. There's no way that a bunch of girls took us down. No way."

Sokka said, and Silver doused him in water, and Sokka glared at her, and a woman had yanked him hard toward her.

"A bunch of girls, huh? The Unagi's going to eat well tonight." She said, as Katara leapt to her brother's defense.

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