The King Of Omashu

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Silver sighed, as Drin looked excited to be back in Omashu, while Silver's head just shook at his reaction.

"There it is! The Earth Kingdom, the city of Omashu!" Aang said, smiling at the city.

"I used to come here all the time, to visit my friend Bumi." Aang said, and he smiled even wider if that was even possible.

"Wow! We don't have cities like this in the South Pole!" Katara exclaimed and a chuckle came out of Drin's mouth.

"They have buildings here, that don't melt." Sokka said, and his mouth was wide open in wonder.

"Well come on you slowpokes! Let's go!" Aang said, and Drin smiled at the city. "It's good to be back." He said.

"Is this where you grew up?"

Katara asked, and Silver nodded.

"Yes this is where we grew up together as a family. Drin took after our mother, with the Earthbending, and unable to do any Waterbending of any sort."

Silver said, and Drin nodded slightly at the very correctly spoken words to describe it.

"I however did the opposite... to a certain degree. I took after our father for Waterbending, but I also got the good fortune to get the power of our long line of Earthbender ancestors."

Silver said, and smiled as Drin hugged her with one arm. "Although, she does still have plenty to learn." He said.

"That we all know." Sokka said, and Silver glared at him and now a fairly big boulder was rolling towards him.

"Ahh! Make it stop! Make it stop!" He shouted but it had crumbled into dust, the moment that Drin had seen it.

"Come on. I can't wait to see Mom again." Drin said, and Silver lowered her head slightly.

"I guess there's no good use in wondering whether or not, if Dad will be home yet."

She murmured, and Drin sighed, hugging her as they walked down with a very much disguised Aang between them, Katara and Sokka behind him, and the guards were looking suspiciously at the group.

"Prince, Princess." The guards said, and Drin shook his head. "Outside of these walls, we are not royalty. You know of this wish still Commander."

Drin said, and yet the guards still bowed. "Let them through! Now! I say immediately!"

The commander said, and the city opened up its gates, and Drin, Silver, and then the rest walked through the gates swiftly.

"You're Earth Kingdom Royalty?"

Aang asked, and Drin sighed.

"We never liked going to the meetings, that we were always bored half to death by going to."

Silver said.

"So our grandfather, the King, he would sneak us out of all the meetings and he would teach us bending after a while when he was done his part."

Drin said, and Silver smiled as they walked into the city, and now all of teams of guards were bowing to them.

"Let's do this!" Aang said, and suddenly they were all flying down the mail chute and screaming.

"This was a terrible idea!" Drin shouted at the top of his lungs as spears almost killed them.

After a fairly long ride, they were all brought before the King of Omashu.

"Grandfather." Drin said, and they both knelt to them, one knee on the ground, and bowing their heads.

"Young ones, I have missed you immensely." He said, and Drin smiles at him.

"Why are my grandchildren being arrested?" The King asked, and the man with the cabbages went silent immediately.

"They are all on charges for traveling under false pretenses, vandalism, and malicious destruction of cabbages."

The Commander said.

"Off with their heads! One for every head of cabbage!" The cabbage man said.

"Enough! Only our grandfather can decide our punishments, or our ways of death should it be what he, and he alone, wishes. So shush Cabbage man, and let him think."

Drin said, and as of right now, he sounded every inch the royalty that he had pretended not to be.

"Well said Prince Drin. Well said." The King said, and Drin turned back to the kneeling position.

"Throw them..." The King started to say, and Silver raised her eyebrows at Drin, who shrugged ever so slightly.

"A feast!" The King proclaimed, and Drin smiled at Silver, who sighed with relief. "Thank you Your Majesty."

Drin said, bowing to him.

"Rise my grandchildren. Stop sitting on the floor, or your knees will well fall off when time comes to get back up." The King said.

"Just one question Grandfather."

Silver said, with a bow as she stood up. "Just one my child?" The King asks her, smiling gently.

"What of our parents?" Silver asked, her voice hesitant, and the King sighs at the question.

"Your mother is very ill, and your father is nowhere to be found. I'm sorry my child."

The King said, and the two nodded, determined not to look at each other, each seeing their parents in them.

"Go on."

He said, and the twins quickly, they walked away in silence.

When the spears crossed, and Katara began to shout at the top of her lungs, the twins came running again.

"Grandfather stop this!" Silver cried, and the King looked at her. "Whyever would I do that?" He asked.

"Because he has to master water bending before earth bending, and I am a Waterbending Master. I will teach him but only if and when you let everyone else go."

Silver said.

"He will face the three deadly challenges tomorrow. Then he will leave if he wins, or not if he loses."

The King said, and Silver with Drin walked away, as the guards escorted the others to the prisoner cell.

Aang had completed the first two challenges, and now he was facing off against the King.

"Grandfather! Don't hurt him." Silver begged, as Drin secretly slowed down the crystals that were incasing Sokka, and Katara.

Then the fight was over, and Aang had won. "Thank all the Avatars of the past."

Drin said, and as Aang correctly guessed the King's name, which was Bumi, and it was his old friend who was now the King, he released Sokka and Katara as promised.

"Thank you Grandfather." Drin said, with a smile, and Bumi nodded to him and Silver.

"You are being hunted by Prince Zuko, my children. Should he ever find out... who you are..." Bumi said.

"I understand Grandfather. Which is why I will be staying here." Drin said, and as Silver looked at him...

She also looked like she just had been hit in the face by a cabbage. "Drin. We have never been separated." She said.

"I know sister. It was not an easy decision to make. But where you are going I will not be able to help. I will do much more good here, then I ever will if I go with you." Drin said.

"Look after Mother for me." Silver said, looking like she was about to cry and he nodded.

"Now go, before I try to convince you to stay." Drin said, hugging Silver once more, before Silver led the group of 4 out of Omashu.

{1} Bender of Two {The Last Airbender}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora