Chapter Thirteen

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Hiding in plain sight

Moving cars out of the road is much harder then I initially thought, especially now we know we have to work fast but also as quiet as humanly possible. Just saying im getting increasingly frustrated and working up a sweat would be a huge understatment and I can tell the rest of the group is feeling the same

Namjoon kicked a tire ten minutes ago but only ended up hurting himself and not the car, which only made him more angry with the fact that the door wouldnt open but once we told him its probably locked he calmed down so fast I'm honestly impressed. Jackson and Lisa have bickered back and forth the whole time, and Seungmin has told them to shut up many times which is nothing out of the ordinary

Jimin and Taehyung have made a good team and have been smiling through the bullshit, laughing and being weird amongst themselves. I cant help but chuckle at their behaviour, glad that the group can remain so possitive through everything that's going on

Hoseok, Yoongi and Seokjin have been looking at the map for a while now and im starting to thing they are all just as dumb as each other. Jungkook is the only person who hasnt really said a word, looking a little sad perched on the edge of the car seat beside me while I figure out how to hotwire this piece of shit

With that thought, I look over at the boy with a tiny smile but he doesnt notice, still staring ahead with slightly wide eyes and his hands fiddling with the dark sleeves of his hoodie.

He looks like he's going to explode any second

"Jungkook? are you. . . you know," I ask awkwardly before waving my hand in circles and pulling my lips into a tight pout, trying to find the right words to say "Uh. . .are you feeling okay?" I add with a slightly raised brow

Without any warning he bursts out laughing, hitting the dashboard lightly as if ive just told him the best joke of the century. I cant help but laugh myself at his adorable laugh and mannerisms, its crazy how he looks so intimidating and scary until he opens his mouth and says something so innocent and wholesome. He's the complete opposite to what I had assumed and that makes me feel a little bad.

Right in this moment, I realise I may be starting to like these guys as friends, rather then just the guys we got stuck with as the people around us turned into flesh eating 'zombies'

"Thats. . . Thats the best thing I've heard all day," Jungkook breaths out through his laughs, holding his hand over his chest to try and calm himself down. I rasie a brow at him sharply, trying to figure out if he's teasing me or genuinely laughing at my stupid attempt to ask if he's okay

"Yes, please laugh at my awkwardness," I chuckle anyway and lean back in my chair, I rest my head on the soft leather and watch him closely as he begins to slowly come down from his laughing high. He finally stops and copies my actions, leaning back in the chair to look at me without straining his neck. He then smiles softly

"Im okay, I was just day dreaming,"

"Day dreaming?" I ask and he nods "Mind telling me what about?"

He stays silent for a little while, his face going through all different kinds of facial expressions before landing on a small, childlike pout that makes my heart clench

"I. . . I dont-" He hesitates, quickly turning  his body away from me to stare back out the window. My brows furrow but I don't say anything yet, giving him a chance to figure out what he wants to say or if he even wants to talk about it at all. A few seconds of silence passes by before he turns back towards me, the same sad expression plastered across his face

"I cant stop thinking about your friend. . .Uh Rina?" He huffs out, his voice cracking. I nod my head but stay quiet to allow him to continue and he takes the oppurtunity to clear his throat and look away "I just cant stop thinking about what happened to her and I know I didn't know her well. . . or at all really. . . But when I think about the school all I can see is her being t-torn apart and-"

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