Chapter Eight

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Knives to a gun fight

"Ladies first."

I shoot a playful glare at the side of Jimin's face as he swings open the door I previously kicked in with all my might, busting the lock in the process that Jackson is currently trying to fix, or come up with a way to block the door off once we are all inside

"I'm not sure that applies in this situation," I chuckle but he still doesn't give in, pointing his head in the direction of the large foyer. Instantly regretting my choice of person to back me up, I walk ahead while gripping onto my chair leg weapon in hopes of no infected lurking around to get the jump on us

It was my idea to check all the rooms in the cabin so it's only fair that I do the dirty work, not that I wouldn't jump at job if it was someone else's idea anyway. I throw a quick glance over my shoulder only to find Jimin looking up at the fancy chandelier like he's never seen one before, by the looks of it, I don't actually think he has

I follow his line of sight to see what the fuss is all about but it's not actually the chandelier he's staring at, although it's very grand and sparkly, the infected person stumbling towards the large staircase is what grabs my attention first. my eyes move back to Jimin at the same time his move to me, giving a small curt nod that screams he has it all under control, but the fearful look in his eye makes me shift anxiously in my uniform

Looking back over to the staircase, I notice the infected man is getting to close to the edge of the first step for comfort, also notice the way his ankles are twisted unnaturally in a broken, or should I say shattered, state

"Wait." I whisper, reaching out to grip the back of Jimins dark red blazer. He comes to a stop just as the loud thundering sound of something heavy rolling down the stairs echoes through the empty cabin, without  thinking my line of action though, I pull the boy backwards harshly causing his back to crash into my chest painfully

I don't think about the pain before jumping in front of the shocked boy, I bring my weapon up to crash it back down on the infected that got stuck in between the wooden poles lining the side of the stairs. With all my power, I slam my chair leg down onto its head again and again until it falls limp and a splatter of blood lines my cheek with a cringe worthy wet slapping sound

"You need to stop doing that," Jimin tries to state firmly but it comes out more of a breathy whisper as he spins me around to face him, leaving his hands on my upper arms to rub small comforting circles with the pads of his thumbs

"Doing what?" I question, blowing a strand of hair out of my face that somehow got loose from my ponytail. Once my sight isn't obstructed by the thin strands, I can finally see the worry plastered across Jimins flushed face

"Saving our asses like that," he says lowly, glancing at something, or rather someone, behind me with a softened gaze "I know you think you're protecting us, but you need to look out for yourself too. . . We won't make it to the end of the week without you."

As much as my heart screams aw, I can't stop the slightly agitated look that plasters across my blood covered features. I'm not mad, just annoyed by the fact he thinks so little of the group, of himself

"Don't underestimate yourself, or the group," I start, also sending a glance at the shaken group stood near the door, waiting to be given the all clear "I'm pretty sure you would get to the military base without me, with Jins grandma get away driving and Namjoons brains, you'd be fine. . . So don't worry about me, I'm just doing the bare minimum to keep you safe."

With a sigh, Jimin pulls out the pout that for some reason makes me want to squish his cheeks, which is very out of the ordinary since I tend to avoid all affectionate and endearing acts all together

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