Chapter One

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The beginning

"Do we really have to walk

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"Do we really have to the rain?,"

"Its a bit late now don't you think?" Rina snaps back so quickly Im afraid to make any quick movements or she will whip around and bite my head off, or something just as violent

I shrug and keep trailing behind her while pulling my burgundy blazer tighter to my chest in a weak attempt to keep my shirt from soaking and becoming see through, that's the last thing I need today

"You was the one who dragged me out of the house in this weather and now you're the one who's mad." I cuss at her under my breath, shaking my head in her direction causing her small lips to form a guilty smile, any shred of anger disappearing into thin air. How can I stay mad at her when she's pulls these cute expressions?. She knows what she's doing and it's working, she just knows how to press my buttons and then act like she's the innocent one in all of this

"I thought it was just a little sprinkle." She laughs, also pulling her jacket closer but lucky for her, she was smart enough to come prepared with her thick winter jacket and god awful, bright pink wool hat she wears everywhere without fail

But at least one of us wont be getting sick

"It's been raining since 2 am." I scoff, she raises an eyebrow at me while crossing her arms like a mother would do while scolding a child. My eyes grow slightly wide as I realise what I just said, I already know whats about to come out of her tiny yet overly massive mouth

"Why were you awake at that time hm?" she nudges me while wiggling her eyebrows in a suggestive manor "Was there a certain boy involved with that reason beginning with J perhaps?"

She wiggles her brows as she elbows me light and I cant help but blush, the redness creeping from my neck to my ears and cheeks too quickly for me to even play it off as the cold air getting to my face.The nights events replay in my mind, not really helping my situation. I didn't realise I had completely zoned out until the blonde haired girl waves her small hand in front of my face multiple times

"Earth to Hana," she chimes while giddily skipping beside me, her mood making a whole 180 at the mention of Jackson "So, is it official yet?" she practically sings, her finger tips dancing in her perfectly curled hair

She looks like a giddy school girl gossiping about boys for the first time when its actually the twentieth time she's mentioned the boys name in the last two days

I cant help but roll my eyes at the smaller girl, a small smile gracing my features as she huffs out a breath, clearly understanding that I don't quite know the answer to that either. Jackson and I have a weird relationship, it's the weird in between of being best friends and being a little more. It doesn't really matter to me anyway, I will always be his friend even if the feelings aren't reciprocated

"You haven't confessed your undying love yet have you?"

I scoff loudly and flick Rina on the forehead "Must you be so dramatic, we are just friends and it will most likely stay that way." I reply, putting emphasis on the important words

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