𝕨𝕙𝕠 𝕕𝕚𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤?

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"Have you seen my daughter? Iris Kiely Avery? It's been two hours since school's over a-and she's not home!" Zach says fastly, worried sick.

"Relax Mr. Avery-" the woman tries to catalize the situation.

"Mr. Herron." He corrects her.

"I'm sure she's with her mother." The woman tries to calm him down.

"She doesn't know her mother!" He explains.

The line goes silent.


"I don't know what to tell you sir." The woman mutters.

"What do you mean by that!?" He asks confused.

"I'm a-at loss for words sir." Zach sighs loudly.

"Don't tell me anything then. Bye." He hangs up, pissed.

"Iris where are you?" He sighs.

Then an thought popped on his head.

"Nah, he knows it's not his day." He runs his fingers through his hair. "Right?"

He quickly dials Jack's number.

"Baby- Shit... I'm sorry...what's up?" Jack picks up the phone.

"Are you with Iris?" Zach asks carefully.

"No, my day is only tomorrow...why?" Jack questions.

"She isn't home and I'm freaking out." Zach paces back and forth in his living room.

"Is she with Tate and Jo?" Jack asks.

"No, I asked her." Zach sighs.

"Dani or Corbs?" He keeps going.

"No, I called them already... Jack what if someone took our baby?" Zach whimpers.

"Hey hey hey... everything is gonna be okay. Can I come over?" Jack tried to calm him down

"Yeah." Zach needs him, even if they aren't married anymore.

"I'll be there in five." The sound of Jack's door closing was heard through the phone.

"Bye Jack."

"Bye love you." Jack hangs up.

Of course Zach still loved Jack, he wasn't his first everything, but the curly head had a special place in his heart. A place no one knew how to get except for Jack.

Only he had the key. Only he knew what makes Zach break, only he knows what makes him scream with pleasure, what makes him cry, what makes him laugh like a madman.

A knock was heard on his door.

Zach gets up and opens it.

Jack opens his arms and Zach immediately hugs him. He let some tears fall from his eyes.

"I'm scared Jack." He confesses.

"Me too ba- Zach, me too." Jack comforts him.

"What if someone hurts her?" He fears the worse.

"Look at me." He softly grabs Zach's face with his hands. "Would it make you feel better if we went to the police?" He rubs his thumbs on his cheeks, knowing that it always calmed him.

"It won't do anything...she isn't missing for 48 hours." Zach sighs.

"She's a six year old. She's definitely not running away from home." Jack explains.

Then a thought crossed Zach's mind. Nah it can't be...right?

"Today...she asked me if you stopped loving me and...and I told her I didn't know...oh God it's my fault." He pulls on his hair as his eyes widen.

"Hey hey hey! It's not your fault, it's mine, I fucked up and we got divor-"Zach rolls his eyes.

"If we're going that route, then I shouldn't have even accepted being your boyfriend in the first place." Zach shakes his head.

"Wouldn't it save you from a heart break?" Jack asks hoping he doesn't have to hear the answer he's waiting for.

"But I wouldn't change every moment we spent together. Would you?" Zach mutters. Jack is content at his reply.

"I would change a few things... I should've loved you harder, kissed you longer and of course I wouldn't have done it."

"You brought the last one on yourself. You knew exactly what you were doing." Zach retorted rather harshly.

"Can we please not fight? I'm just as worried as you. She's my daughter too." Zach nods.

"I just can't take that fucking image out of my head." He mumbles.

Jack nods silently. Unfortunately, Zach doesn't know the full story. Jack never had the opportunity to tell him, since the brunet always cut him off, so he gave up.

It was very rare the moments he gave up. But for Zach he'd walk through fire, get shot through the heart, even jump out a bridge.

He loves the brunet with all his heart. He still feels that emotion, the fireworks the sparks, the butterflies all over his body.

Jack missed the brunet so bad that if he had the chance to kiss him one more time he would take it in a heartbeat, even if it meant he'd die.

He really loves him. Even he can't display it, even if he hurt the brunet badly, even if he finds someone else, no one could compare to the man hugging him tightly.

"I'm sorry." Jack mutters back for the millionth time, but never seems enough.

"I just wanna find our baby again." Zach leans his head against his chest and lets the tears fall.

"Let's go to the police okay ba- Zach?"
Zach nods.

"Did you eat anything?" The brunet asks softly.

"Yes, I did." Jack says quietly.

"You're lying, I'm grabbing some cookies."

Zach turns around and goes to the kitchen, grabbing a few packets of cookies.

He halted his steps when he saw a note in Iris's letter.

I love my daddys.

(It's poorly written on purpose)

Zach ran to the front door and locked it after he left.

He got in Jack's car silent, holding the note close to his heart.

"She left a note this morning." Zach mutters, his tears at bay. He hands the note to Jack. "Why didn't I see this earlier?" He sniffs.

"I love my daddies." He reads in out loud and a stray tear falls from his left eye.

"Who took her Jack? Who took our precious little girl?"

"I don't know baby, but I hope they pay for the pain they're causing us."

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