Greece Facts #1

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- Reports claim that Greeks have sex on average 164 times a year, which make them the most sexually active nation in the world.

- Voting is required by law for every citizen who is 18 or older.

- Approximately 98% of the people in Greece are ethnic Greeks. Turks form the largest minority group. Other minorities are Albanians, Macedonians, Bulgarians, Armenians, and gypsies.

- The Ancient Greeks would sacrifice one hundred bulls to Zeus during each Olympics.

- In Greece, the dead are almost always buried because the Greek Orthodox Church opposes cremation. A couple years after a burial, the body is exhumed and the bones are washed with wine and then placed in an ossuary. This is done in part to relieve the shortage of land in Greek cemeteries.

- Greeks often wave goodbye with their palm closed or with their palm facing themselves, as it is considered an insult to show the palm of the hand with the fingers extended.

- In the 1950's, only about 30% of Greek adults could read and write. Now, the literacy rate is more than 95%

- Until the late 1990's, the greatest threat to Greece was Turkey, as the two nations have had historical disputes over Cyprus and other territories for decades. After coming to each other's aid after a devastating earthquake that hit both countries in 1999, their relationship has improved.

- Greece has zero navigable rivers because of the mountainous terrain. Nearly 80% of Greece is mountainous.

- Greece's capital Athens is home to the first known democracy, established around 500 B.C. It was based on a direct democracy system, in which eligible citizens directly voted on laws.

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