Japan Facts #2

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- In Japan, there are more pets than children.

- Japan has the highest life expectancy in the world with 83.7 years.  

- The number of Chinese killed by the Japanese during WW2 is greater than the number of Jews killed in the Holocaust (more than 6 million)

- In Japan, the leading cause of death for men aged 20 to 44 is suicide.

- In Japan, tipping a server is considered rude.

- The likelihood of being killed by a gun is about the same as an American's chance of being killed by lightning.

- Japan's criminal courts have a 99% conviction rate.

- Horse meat is considered a delicacy in Japan. It is called basashi and is sliced thinly and eaten raw.

- To this day, Japan is the only country to ever have a nuclear bomb detonated on its soil.

- In Japan, there are about 130 voice acting schools. This is because of the success of the anime industry.

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