The Birth of Hatred

Start from the beginning

What I saw in Y/n's eyes made me feel like he was starting to turn into a warrior that could save lives or bring death and destruction.

What I saw in Y/n's eyes made me feel like he was starting to turn into a warrior that could save lives or bring death and destruction

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Time Skip
Y/n PoV
I was in my room looking up in the ceiling, my eyes start to feel different like I could see more clear.

Summer: Get up you worthless dog and makes us food or I'll make sure you sleep outside forever.

I got up to walk towards the door before I could leave she grabbed me by the shirt and threw me down the stairs, I wiped the blood from my nose and she grabbed me by the hair and said "Get up before I throw you back down" she said in my ear.
Short Time Skip

It was now night time and I was cleaning the living room before Yang and Ruby came un and started playing around and almost breaking things. Then Yang and Ruby stopped and whispered to each other and started chuckling.

Yang: oops
She said as she broke vase and Ruby did as well making Tai and Summer run in with anger on their faces.
Tai: Who did it !?!
He asked while both Yang and Ruby pointed at me and said " He did it" making Summer and Tai walk towards me and hit me falling on the floor. They continue to hit me over and over maki Yang and Ruby join in. Then Tai grabbed a piece of glass and stabbed it in my hand causing it to loose blood. It reminded me of the time when Ruby and Yang got gifts, Ruby had a toy scythe and Yang had gauntlets and they used it on me making scars on my body. Tai then grabbed me by the neck and threw me in my room.
Tai: Tomorrow you will clean that mess up and you will be helping your sisters train you got that

Y/n: ...

Tai: Speak when I'm talking to YOU

Y/n: yes sir

Tai closed the left and closed the door.

Y/n: (Time for my escape)

Summer PoV

I was sitting down thinking about what happen the things we do to Y/n the way treat him like he's a slave then Tai snapped me out of thought.

Tai:Hey are you alright it looks like something happened to you

Summer: No Tai it's Y/n the way we treat him and he's just a child

Tai: What do you mean?

Summer: We hit him, we cut him, and the mental abuse, were terrible family members to him

Tai: Your right whats wrong with us, we have to do something before it's too late

Summer: Yeah I'll go to him right now
I said as I hurried to his room which was the attic. As I entered his room I saw him on the window about to jump.
Summer: Y/n don't jump I know we wasn't the best family towards, I wasn't the best mother but... please let us make it up to you just don't jump

(Abused and Neglected)Uchiha Male Reader x RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now