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Its been a few days since i've been back home and i haven't done much.

Recently, all we've been doing is wake up, eat breakfast, watch tv, nap, eat lunch, watch more tv, nap again, and eat dinner

its boring but the only thing i have energy for

occasionally he'll try to help me with my walking but that only lasts a few seconds

but i'm tired of being bored and not having fun so i'm making Jonah go shopping with me

i need easier clothes to put on so that's what we're looking for

and then after we're going out to dinner with his band, his managers, and his band members girlfriends (not including Tate).

i'm meeting everyone together now so I don't have to do it separately

i mean i've met his managers before, well only one but i still have to meet the other members

i'm super excited but also super nervous

one of them even have a daughter, she's not coming however she's not even a year old yet jack and gabbie are gonna be together in this

i hope they like me and aren't mad that jonah's been lying to them about who he's been dating

i know the girlfriends probably are mad because they grew to love Tate

they're probably going to hate me which is absolutely terrifying but i'll get through it girls never like me. they get jealous and think i'm trying to steal their boyfriends which i'm definitely not

We get in the car to go to the mall and i get excited to finally leave the house since the accident

"yay we're going out" i say in excitement

"aw you're so excited"

"i know i haven't been out in so long"

"well i'm going to make sure you have the best time"

"i probably won't though"

"why not?"

"i'll see all these people our age walking around and i'll just be there in a wheelchair like a weirdo"

"first of all you're not a 'weirdo' for being in a wheelchair. think about all the really successful people that were in wheelchairs. second i knew you were gonna think this so i kinda bought some things for you"

"things? what type of things?"

"well last night i went to the store and bought a broken foot boot and those bandages that help people who broke their arms and hands."


"well we're going to put it on you so you look like your arm and legs broken making sure you wouldn't be able to walk with crutches and so you had to use a wheelchair. yo others they would have no idea you're paralyzed"

"aw jonah you thought about me. i love you so much" i grab his hand and pull him down to kiss me

"you're the best boyfriend ever."

"i'd do anything to make you happy Cam. you're just so amazing and i need you to feel that."

"you're going to make me cry"

"don't cry baby i love you you have to be happy. i don't like seeing you upset"

"i'm crying cause i'm happy."

"aw i'm happy too. now let's put this stuff on"

✅ Paralyzed // J.M ✅Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon