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"Gabbie wants to talk to you"


"my bandmate Jack's girlfriend. she wants to talk to you"

"I'm good without that"

"but babe-"

"Jo she hates me"

"no she doesn't, trust me she just wants to talk to you about us"


"yeah us and like wedding things"

"you just proposed last night there are no wedding things"

"can't you just please... I'll pay you"

"and how do you expect me to get to her"

"I can bring you"

"Yeah, I'm okay. it will just be awkward and she'll probably make fun of me with the others for being in a wheelchair"

"no she won't, please babe please"

"only if she comes here. but what would we even do"

"Okay, that works. you can talk about how awesome I am and how happy you are to know me and marry me"

"yeah we're not going to end up talking about you sorry"

"fine talk about the baby or Cody"
"so nice house," Gabbie says

"thanks. so why did you want to talk to me?"

"I wanted to tell you I don't hate you. at first, we all did cause we loved Tate but now some things have happened and we know she was using us. plus we want to be able to support and help you throughout your pregnancy and wedding"

"oh well I'm glad, I need friends right now if that's what you meant. what did Tate do?"

"she was trying to get us to break up with our boyfriends as some sort of strike against you. then she went all over Instagram saying that you're faking the paralysis"

"oh wow," I say

I can't believe that she would try and say I'm lying. I mean why would someone lie about that

"exactly so another topic are you excited to marry jonah"

"yes definitely. I've been with him for so long and I've been wanting this forever."

"and the baby"

"I'm kind of nervous about that. I'm super happy to have a baby especially with jonah but I don't know how I'll be able to take care of it. I want to be able to walk around and stuff like that but I'm still like this"

"well, haven't you been able to stand up?"

"yeah, but I still want more. so what about you how have you been"

"I've been good. me and jack are moving in together soon so that's exciting. when you and Jonah moved together did anything change?"

"not really. I mean we got closer and found out more stuff about each other. it's a good thing for relationships. also, you should get a dog. it makes it even better"

✅ Paralyzed // J.M ✅Where stories live. Discover now