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"JONAH! HELP ME" I scream and he rushes into our room


"oh, nothing... it's just TIME FOR YOUR SECOND GIFT! WOOHOO"

"seriously babe"

"mhm. now take off my clothes"

"uh, why?"

"we're going to be having sex duh"

"Woah but we haven't in like 5 months"

"I know but I think we're ready. I probably won't feel it but it's your gift so"

"I don't know though your doctor hasn't said that we can yet"

"well we never asked... also I couldn't get you any other gifts cause well, I can't leave without you"

"that's okay I have you as my gift"

"exactly I'm your gift now come over here and take off my clothes!"

"okay okay relax... are you 100 percent sure"

"yes Jonah please"
"mmm, that was great. thank you" Jonah whispers to me as he pulls out

to be honest, I only felt a tiny bit of it but it still felt good

I played it off as I felt the whole thing so I could make him feel good about himself, what! it's his birthday he has to think he made me enjoy myself

"you're welcome" I laugh

"did you feel it?"

"mhm first thing I felt in awhile"

"good I'm glad... I think I heard the doorbell ring" he says and I see him close his eyes

"you heard what?"

"the doorbell- OH SHIT MY FRIENDS ARE HERE!" he jumps off me and runs out


I hear him let them in and he runs back to me

"hi" he smiles

"help me out!"

"right sorry"
"so Jonah what are you excited for, for this year?" Jack asks Jonah

we're all at the table eating dinner and talking mainly about Jonah

his bandmates and family came, unfortunately, his bandmates girlfriends still all hate me so they didn't come

I'm really upset that they don't like me because there's no reason

the band announced to the public that Jonah and Tate were no longer together and that I'm his real girlfriend and they all were fine

it's really weird

"hopefully a wedding... or a baby"

"Woah Woah about that I don't want either until I can move" I add

"but you can walk..."

"I can only walk like two or three steps I rather be able to at least walk to you and then sit down"

"well still. I mean we can't be thinking about these factors until we're engaged"

"so then jonah when are you going to propose?" his mom asks

"you see that's a secret between me and well just me"

"this year?" I ask

"maybe maybe not"

✅ Paralyzed // J.M ✅Where stories live. Discover now