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3 Months Later

It's been a while since my and Jonahs big fight and I'm back at our house

Jonah picked me up from her house the next day and I gladly left with him

I had the worst sleep the night before and honestly, I really missed him

when he came there wasn't any drama I left and he apologized

I'm much happier now and we haven't fought except for when I have to walk

when I'm with my therapist I'm doing good and I actually can do a few steps which is great

today's Jonah birthday and I'm going to show him what I can do

"Jonah wake up" I whisper into his ear

"no, let me sleep in"

"I want to give you your gift"

"later I'm tired now."

"ugh fine. happy birthday by the way"

"thank you now wake me up in like an hour"

"an hour!"

"yes please I'm exhausted from yesterday"

"that's what you get for partying all night"

"sorry they wanted to celebrate with me"

"yeah yeah whatever go back to sleep"

he stops responding and I try to get out of the bed

I've come up with a way that I use to get out

I use my upper body to help me get to the end of the bed and I kind of just roll right out

it's very fun

after I get out of the bed I start to crawl to our stairs and just slide down the steps

it feels very weird but again fun.

when I get to the bottom of the stairs I do what I've learned in therapy and stand up

after all these months I can 100% stand it's just getting to walk that is hard, sitting is also pretty easy I mean I just lay down and fall back

when I stand up I try to walk, and I actually can for a few steps until I lose my balance and fall to the ground

I'm used to the falling I mean it doesn't hurt seeing as I barely even feel it

I make my way to the couch and lay down on it to watch some tv

as I turn on my show I see Jonah walking downstairs

"now how did you get down here"

"I have my ways. are you more awake now"

"barely. I wanted to hang out with you though"

"aw good!"

he walks over and lays on top of me

"I love you" he whispers kissing me

"I love you too how was your night?"

"really fun but I wish you could have been there"

"me too. what did you guys do?"

"we went to some boring club"

"oh what kind"

"just a normal one. but I'm glad we got it over with so we can celebrate tonight"

"oh really just a normal one... you know I saw some naked girls on Corbyn's story"

"oh.. uh um maybe it was a strip club"

"you know I really don't care at the end of the night you were here with me. did you fuck anyone there"

"of course not"

"then I'm fine with it... just not every day"


"anyways I have a gift for you"

"what is it?"

"get up and you'll see"

"I don't understand," he says standing up

I laugh and start my method

I roll off the couch and he panics

"don't worry this is part of it," I yell

I stand up which he's seen before and slowly focus taking a step forward. I take a few more until I lose my focus and fall on him

"wait! you-you just walked!"

"mhm I know how to do that now" I smile looking at him

"How did you do that!"


✅ Paralyzed // J.M ✅Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant